Generates a simple bootstrap, SEO friendly static website for VAPI documentation.
$ cd metamodel-to-doc
$ npm install
Example usage:
$ node index.js -t layer1 -o ~/Sites/vapi -p ./templates/
$ node index.js --help
Usage: index [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-t, --testbed <testbed> testbed (default: layer1)
-o, --output_path <output_path> output path, defaults to ./reference/ (default: ./reference/)
-p, --template_path <template_path> template path, defaults to ./templates/ (default: ./templates/)
-w, --showWarnings show warnings
-s, --showStats show statistics
-c, --showCount show API Counts
-i, --internal include internal APIs
-r, --raw use raw metadata
-v, --verbose verbose output
-h, --help output usage information