Simple golang cgo wrapper around JSonnet VM.
Everything in libjsonnet.h is covered except the multi-file evaluators.
See jsonnet_test.go for how to use it.
vm := jsonnet.Make()
vm.ExtVar("color", "purple")
x, err := vm.EvaluateSnippet(`Test_Demo`, `"dark " + std.extVar("color")`)
if err != nil {
if x != "\"dark purple\"\n" {
panic("fail: we got " + x)
$ ( cd jsonnet_main/ ; go build -x -a )
mv $WORK/b001/exe/a.out jsonnet_main
$ echo "{ a: 1, b: 2 }" | jsonnet_main/jsonnet_main /dev/stdin
"a": 1,
"b": 2
$ cat test1.j
shell: "/bin/sh",
awk: "/usr/bin/awk",
$ jsonnet_main/jsonnet_main test1.j
"awk": "/usr/bin/awk",
"shell": "/bin/sh"
$ cat test2.j
local test1 = import "test1.j";
test1 {
shell: "/bin/csh",
$ jsonnet_main/jsonnet_main test2.j
"awk": "/usr/bin/awk",
"shell": "/bin/csh"
$ echo ' std.extVar("a") + "bar" ' | jsonnet_main/jsonnet_main /dev/stdin a=foo
Notice the various LICENSE*
files. I cannot offer legal advice,
but you might find that the Apache License is the most restrictive.
Most of this code comes from and is under the Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004, and our files that match filenames there are under that license.
Notice the third_party/
directory in that distribution.
It has json/
and md5/
under their own licences, and our files
that match filenames there are under those licenses.
Anything new added here is under an MIT license in the plain LICENSE