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Stripe CLI

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The Stripe CLI helps you build, test, and manage your Stripe integration right from the terminal.

With the CLI, you can:

  • Securely test webhooks without relying on 3rd party software
  • Trigger webhook events or resend events for easy testing
  • Tail your API request logs in real-time
  • Create, retrieve, update, or delete API objects.



Stripe CLI is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux for distros like Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat and CentOS.


Stripe CLI is available on macOS via Homebrew:

brew install stripe/stripe-cli/stripe


Refer to the installation instructions for available Linux installation options.


Stripe CLI is available on Windows via the Scoop package manager:

scoop bucket add stripe
scoop install stripe


The CLI is also available as a Docker image: stripe/stripe-cli.

docker run --rm -it stripe/stripe-cli version
stripe version x.y.z (beta)

Password Store Setup with Docker

While test mode doesn’t require password store, you will need to set it up if you wish to perform live mode requests.

You can also make live mode requests on a per command basis by attaching the --api-key flag.

  1. Create
if ! [ -f ~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg ] ; then
  chmod 700 ~/.gnupg/
  gpg --quick-generate-key stripe-live # This will generate a gpg key called "stripe-live"
if ! [ -f ~/.password-store/.gpg-id ] ; then
  pass init stripe-live # This will initialize a password store record named "stripe-live", using the gpg key above
  pass insert stripe-live # This will insert value for the password store "stripe-live", which we will put Stripe Live Secret Key in


if [ -z "${string##*$liveflag*}" ] ;then
  OPTS="--api-key $(pass show stripe-live)" # This will use the content of the password store "stripe-live" which was inserted in line 8

#pass insert stripe-live
/bin/stripe  $@ $OPTS
  1. Create a docker file Dockerfile-cli
FROM  stripe/stripe-cli:vx.x.x
RUN  apk  add  pass  gpg-agent
COPY  ./  /
  1. Build the docker image
docker build -t stripe-cli -f Dockerfile-cli .
  1. Run the docker image with password volumes, replacing $command with the appropraite Stripe CLI command (i.e customers list)
docker run --rm -it -v stripe-config://root/.config/stripe/ -v stripe-gpg://root/.gnupg/ -v stripe-pass://root/.password-store/ stripe-cli $command

For live mode requests append --live after $command.

Without package managers

Instructions are also available for installing and using the CLI without a package manager.


Installing the CLI provides access to the stripe command.

stripe [command]

# Run `--help` for detailed information about CLI commands
stripe [command] help


The Stripe CLI supports a broad range of commands. Below are some of the most used ones:


For a full reference, see the CLI reference site


The Stripe CLI includes a telemetry feature that collects some usage data. See our telemetry reference for details.


Got feedback for us? Please don't hesitate to tell us on feedback.


See Developing the Stripe CLI for more info on how to make contributions to this project.


Copyright (c) Stripe. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 license.