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Installing and updating

Olivier Bellone edited this page Oct 8, 2019 · 4 revisions


With a package manager

The easiest way to install the CLI is with a package manager for your operating system. The CLI can be installed on macOS with homebrew, on Windows with scoop, or on Linux through apt or yum.

Without a package manager

Alternatively, if you do not or cannot use a package manager, you can download the binary executable and use that without having to install and additional dependencies. Find our latest release and download the stripe_X.X.X_mac-os, stripe_X.X.X_windows, or stripe_X.X.X_linux tar.gz file, unzip it, and inside you'll have the stripe executable that you can run directly.

On macOS or Linux, you can move this file to /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin locations to have it be runnable from anywhere. Otherwise, cd to the folder where you unzipped the tar.gz file and invoke the CLI with ./stripe.


With a package manager

New updates will be pushed to package managers as soon as they're released. Update the CLI through each package manager's update command:

  • homebrew upgrade stripe
  • apt-get upgrade stripe
  • yum upgrade stripe
  • scoop update

Without a package manager

Updating without a package manager is essentially re-installing the CLI. You should download the latest release and move the new binary to wherever you had placed the old one.