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stripe-dotnet v19.0.0

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@stripe-servers stripe-servers released this 27 Aug 13:01
· 2098 commits to master since this release

List of backwards incompatible changes:

  • BusinessVatId on StripeCustomer / StripeCustomerCreateOptions / StripeCustomerUpdateOptions is replaced with TaxInfo
  • Amount on StripePlanTier / StripePlanTierOptions is replaced with UnitAmount
  • PercentOff on StripeCouponCreateOptions is now a decimal (used to be an int)
  • Request methods on StripeSubscriptionService no longer accept a string customerId argument. Instead, the customer ID should be provided in the appropriate options class (StripeSubscriptionCreateOptions, etc.)
  • StripeSubscriptionService.Cancel & CancelAsync no longer accept a bool cancelAtPeriodEnd argument. If you want to delete a subscription at the end of the period, you can update the subscription with CancelAtPeriodEnd
  • StripeProduct no longer has a Skus property

See the changelog for more details.