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Releases: stripe/stripe-python


14 Mar 23:08
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v8.8.0b1 Pre-release
  • #1270 Update generated code for beta
    • Add support for new resources Billing.MeterEventAdjustment, Billing.MeterEvent, and Billing.Meter
    • Add support for create, deactivate, list, modify, reactivate, and retrieve methods on resource Meter
    • Add support for create method on resources MeterEventAdjustment and MeterEvent
    • Add support for create test helper method on resource ConfirmationToken
    • Add support for add_lines, remove_lines, and update_lines methods on resource Invoice
  • #1266 Beta: record usage of async interface

See the changelog for more details.


14 Mar 21:37
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  • #1269 Update generated code
    • Add support for personalization_design on parameter classes CardService.CreateParams, CardService.ListParams, CardService.UpdateParams, stripe.issuing.Card.CreateParams, stripe.issuing.Card.ListParams, and stripe.issuing.Card.ModifyParams and resource stripe.issuing.Card
    • Add support for sepa_debit on parameter classes SubscriptionService.CreateParamsPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptions, SubscriptionService.UpdateParamsPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptions, stripe.Subscription.CreateParamsPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptions, and stripe.Subscription.ModifyParamsPaymentSettingsPaymentMethodOptions and resource class stripe.Subscription.PaymentSettings.PaymentMethodOptions
    • Add support for resource stripe.issuing.PersonalizationDesign
    • Add support for resource stripe.issuing.PhysicalBundle
    • Change type from float to Literal['']|float of application_fee_percent on fields stripe.Subscription.CreateParams, stripe.Subscription.ModifyParams, SubscriptionService.UpdateParams, and SubscriptionService.CreateParams

See the changelog for more details.


07 Mar 23:59
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v8.7.0b1 Pre-release
  • #1265 Update generated code for beta
    • Add support for new value billing_period_end on enums Quote.CreateParamsLineEndsAt.type, QuoteLine.EndsAt.type, and Quote.ModifyParamsLineEndsAt.type

See the changelog for more details.


07 Mar 23:41
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  • #1267 Update generated code
    • Add support for documents on AccountSession.Components
    • Add support for request_three_d_secure on Checkout.Session.PaymentMethodOptionsCard and Checkout.Session.CreateParams.PaymentMethodOptionsCard
    • Add support for created on CreditNote.ListParams
    • Add support for sepa_debit on Invoice.PaymentSettings.PaymentMethodOptions, InvoiceCreateParams.PaymentSettings.PaymentMethodOptions, and InvoiceUpdateParams.PaymentSettings.PaymentMethodOptions
  • #1268 Update

See the changelog for more details.


29 Feb 20:47
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v8.6.0b1 Pre-release
  • #1251 Update generated code for beta
    • Remove support for resource Entitlements.Event
  • #1264 Remove unconditional import of TCPConnector from aiohttp in _http_client
  • #1259 Add helper to add beta version

See the changelog for more details.


29 Feb 20:21
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  • #1255 Update generated code
    • Change identity.VerificationReport.type to be required
    • Change type of identity.VerificationSession.type from Optional[Literal["document", "id_number"]] to Literal["document", "id_number"]
    • Add support for number on Invoice.CreateParams and Invoice.ModifyParams
    • Add support for enable_customer_cancellation on terminal.Reader.Action.ProcessPaymentIntent.process_config, Terminal.Reader.Action.ProcessSetupIntent.process_config, Terminal.Reader.ProcessPaymentIntentParams.process_config, and Terminal.Reader.ProcessSetupIntentParams.process_config
    • Add support for refund_payment_config on Terminal.Reader.Action.refund_payment and Terminal.Reader.RefundPaymentParams
    • Add support for payment_method on Token.CreateParams.bank_account
    • Add list_refunds and retrieve_refund methods on resource Charge.
  • #1260 Update README to use add_beta_version
  • #1250 Fix type of ErrorObject.code

See the changelog for more details.


28 Feb 02:51
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v8.5.0b3 Pre-release
  • #1262 Beta: fix ssl for AIOHTTP client

See the changelog for more details.


27 Feb 20:07
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v8.5.0b2 Pre-release
  • Python async - In this beta release, async support is now "feature complete". If you notice missing async support for something, it's probably a bug! Usage instructions for the async interface are available in the
    • #1253 Beta: Support 'allow_sync_methods=False' in HTTPXClient
    • #1254 Beta: add AIOHTTP http client
    • #1247 Make ListObject.auto_paging_iter() implement AsyncIterator

See the changelog for more details.


22 Feb 23:45
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v8.5.0b1 Pre-release
  • #1246 Update generated code for beta

  • #1239 Beta: Collapse HTTPClientAsync into HTTPClient

    • ⚠️ Removes the stripe.default_http_client_async global and the stripe.HTTPClientAsync class.
      • To set your own async-enabled http client, set stripe.default_http_client to a subclass of stripe.HTTPClient such as stripe.HTTPXClient that implements .request_async, .sleep_async, .request_stream_async, and .close_async.
      • The default http client of the library is still RequestsClient for synchronous methods, that "falls back" to a HTTPXClient when asynchronous methods are called.

See the changelog for more details.


22 Feb 22:21
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  • #1241 Update generated code
    • Add InvoiceLineItem.modify method.
  • #1244 Add TaxIds API
    • Add support for create, retrieve, delete, and list methods on resource TaxId
    • The instance_url function on resource TaxId now returns the top-level /v1/tax_ids/{id} path instead of the /v1/customers/{customer}/tax_ids/{id} path.
  • #1243 Remove http client base
  • #1242 Testing: unify http client mock

See the changelog for more details.