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Releases: strnk/Marlin

Ender 3 S1 Pro/Plus bugfix-2.1.x-70f195e

05 Jun 17:59
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Test firmware for the stock touch-screen support.

  • Stock filament run-out sensor feature implemented and tested
  • Power-loss recovery also implemented, but disabled by default. Use M413 S1, M500 to enable it

Default configuration values have been calibrated on my printer.

  • Linear advance enabled
  • Input shaping enabled
  • UBL auto-leveling with a 7x7 mesh. The mesh is auto-completed using G29 P3 when using the UI.
  • Fixes some limitation of the original firmware regarding SD cards: can traverse directories, have more than 20 files, and long file names
  • Laser cutter feature is disabled as I don't have one to test with.
  • for bin files marked +mpc: MPC enabled for the hot-end, which cannot be tweaked from the touch-screen as it only supports PID

Drop the firmware in a folder named STM32F4_UPDATE at the root of the SD card and power cycle the printer or send the M997 GCode to update the firmware. Do the same with Creality's latest firmware to revert.

Ender 3 S1 Plus bugfix-2.1.x-60921e9

31 May 19:06
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Test firmware for the stock touch-screen support.

Default configuration values have been calibrated on my printer.

  • Linear advance enabled
  • MPC enabled for the hot-end, which cannot be tweaked from the touch-screen as it only supports PID
  • Input shaping enabled
  • UBL auto-leveling with a 7x7 mesh. The mesh is auto-completed using G29 P3 when using the UI.
  • Fixes some limitation of the original firmware regarding SD cards: can traverse directories, have more than 20 files, and long file names
  • Laser cutter feature is disabled as I don't have one to test with.

Drop the firmware in a folder named STM32F4_UPDATE at the root of the SD card and power cycle the printer to update the firmware. Do the same with Creality's latest firmware to revert.

2.1.x (2022-07-12) (Micro-Delta rework)

12 Jul 18:21
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Dev build of branch 2.1.x for Micro-Delta rework printers with LCD and heated bed enabled.


  1. Drop the bin file on the SD card and rename it to firmware.bin
  2. Reboot the printer

**Note: ** save your SD card content if you are moving from Smoothie and want to put it back later ! (config.txt, config-override and delta.grid)


You can't use the official eMotion-tech plugin for Repetier-host to perform the printer calibration. You can do most of the calibration steps using the LCD if you have it, or use a software like e.g. Printrun (Pronterface) and enter the g-code manually.

Delta calibration

LCD menu: Configuration / Delta calibration / Auto calibration (you should heat the bed beforehand)

M190 S60	; Heat bed
G28 		; Home all axes
; Mount the z-probe
G33		; Run the delta calibration
; Unmount the z-probe
M500		; Save settings to EEPROM

Mesh calibration (UBL)


G29 P0		; zero-out the mesh
; Mount the z-probe
G29 P1 X0 Y0	; probe the mesh starting from the center
G29 P5 C	; normalize the mesh height
G29 P3		; auto-fill unreachable points outside delta radius
G29 P3		;  ... 2nd pass
; Unmount the z-probe
G29 T		; there should not be any empty point (repeat G29 P3 if needed)
G29 S0		; Save UBL mesh to slot 0
G29 A		; enable UBL
M500		; save settings to EEPROM


LCD menu: Configuration / Advanced config. / Z-Probe offset / Z-Probe wizard

M851		; note the current Z offset
G0 Z0.3		; go to Z=0.3, or any other height depending on the feeler gauge used
; jog Z up/down to have the feeler gauge just scratching
M851 Z(previous value+jog required)
; for example:
; - first M851 gives Z-25.0
; - I needed to jog to Z=0.750 for a 0.3 gauge to feel ok (i.e. z offset=0.75-0.3=0.45)
; - I set the updated offset to -25.0+0.45 = -24.55:
; - M851 Z-24.55
M500		; save settings