This package is not maintained anymore, use zetoff:accounts-material-ui instead. // T
Current version 1.1.0
- Easy to use, mixing the ideas of useraccounts configuration and accounts-ui that everyone already knows and loves.
- Components are everywhere, and extensible by replacing them on Accounts.ui.
- Basic routing included, redirections when the user clicks a link in an email or when signing in or out.
- Unstyled is the default, no CSS included.
- No password sign up and sign in are included.
- Extra fields is now supported.
- Server Side Rendering are supported, trough FlowRouter (SSR).
- Extending to make your own custom form, for your app, or as a package, all components can be extended and customized.
meteor add std:accounts-material
We support the standard configuration in the account-ui package. But have extended with some new options.
meteor add accounts-password
meteor add materialize:materialize
meteor add std:accounts-material
import React from 'react';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/std:accounts-material';
passwordSignupFields: 'NO_PASSWORD',
loginPath: '/',
if (Meteor.isClient) {
ReactDOM.render(<Accounts.ui.LoginForm />, document.body)
meteor add accounts-password
meteor add materialize:materialize
meteor add std:accounts-material
meteor add kadira:flow-router-ssr
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router-ssr';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/std:accounts-material';
import React from 'react';
passwordSignupFields: 'NO_PASSWORD',
loginPath: '/login',
onSignedInHook: () => FlowRouter.go('/'),
onSignedOutHook: () => FlowRouter.go('/')
FlowRouter.route("/login", {
action(params) {
mount(MainLayout, {
content: <Accounts.ui.LoginForm />
Made by the creative folks at Studio Interact