This Magento 2 module integrates Flixmedia services into your store, enabling product syndication, tracking pixels, video syndication, AR content, and image optimization.
composer require studioraz/magento2-flixmedia
cd <magento_root>
bin/magento module:enable SR_Flixmedia
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento cache:flush
- Log in to Magento Admin Panel.
- Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Studio Raz > Flixmedia.
- Configure the following settings:
- Enable Flixmedia: Enable or disable the integration.
- Distributor ID: Enter the Distributor ID provided by Flixmedia.
- Click Save Config
- Go to Catalog > Products and select a product to edit.
- Find the Flixmedia section and expand it.
- Enable Flixmedia for the product.
- Set either MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) or EAN (European Article Number).
- Choose the Brand.
- Save the product.
- Visit the product page on the frontend and verify that Flixmedia content is loaded successfully.
If you encounter any problems or bugs, please open an issue on [
Need help setting up or want to customize this extension to meet your business needs? Please email and if we like your idea we will add this feature for free or at a discounted rate.
This module is licensed under the MIT License.