Current state of the engine
- C++20
- Gcc 11.4.0
- Python 3.10.12
- Cmake 3.22.1
- Vulkan SDK 1.3.268
To build and run the program use
python3 debug
- [VulkanAbstractionLayer] Renderer architecture and core structures
- [Godot] Lib management
- [VulkanTutorial] Vulkan foundations
- [VkGuide] Render to texture and other vulkan optimizations
- [ASliceOfRendering] Generating an infinite grid using shaders
- [Hazel] Content browser and other editor widgets
- [FontAwesome] Icon fonts
- [IconFontCppHeaders] Font awesome for C++
- [OGLDEV] Mesh optimizations using meshoptimizer
- [LearnOpenGL] Lighting and basic computer graphics concepts
- [WickedEngine] ECS and other graphics systems