This is just another open-source render-engine made by Kim Kulling. This is a playground project for myself to work on my own side-projects.
- CMake base build environment
- Multithreaded Renderer
- OpenGL
- Platform abstraction to support Windows, Linux and more.
- Input
- UI
- Component-based entity system
- Transformation components
- Render components
- Event-System
- Event bus
- More than 40 3D-formats supported thanks to Assimp
- Virtual file-system for reading zip-archives
- Instancing
- Please check OSRE-Docs.
- Windows:
- Visual Studio 2017
- Visual Studio 2019
- Visual Studio 2022
- Linux:
- Clang
#include <osre/App/App.h>
#include <osre/Common/Logger.h>
#include <osre/RenderBackend/RenderBackendService.h>
#include <osre/Scene/MeshBuilder.h>
#include <osre/Scene/Camera.h>
#include <osre/Platform/AbstractWindow.h>
#include <osre/RenderBackend/glm_common.h>
using namespace ::OSRE;
using namespace ::OSRE::App;
using namespace ::OSRE::RenderBackend;
class QuickStartApp : public App::AppBase {
/// The transform block, contains the model-, view- and projection-matrix
TransformMatrixBlock m_transformMatrix;
/// The entity to render
Entity *mEntity;
/// The class constructor with the incoming arguments from the command line.
QuickStartApp(int argc, char *argv[]) :
AppBase(argc, (const char **)argv),
mEntity(nullptr) {
// empty
/// The class destructor, default impl.
~QuickStartApp() override = default;
/// The creation callback, will get called on system startup.
bool onCreate() override {
if (!AppBase::onCreate()) {
return false;
// The window
AppBase::setWindowsTitle("Quickstart! Rotate with wasd, scroll with qe");
// The world to work in
World *world = getActiveWorld();
// The entity for your triangle
mEntity = new Entity("entity", *AppBase::getIdContainer(), world);
// The camera to watch the scene
Scene::Camera *camera = world->addCamera("camera_1");
ui32 w, h;
AppBase::getResolution(w, h);
camera->setProjectionParameters(60.f, (f32)w, (f32)h, 0.001f, 1000.f);
// Create and add the triangle
Scene::MeshBuilder meshBuilder;
RenderBackend::Mesh *mesh = meshBuilder.allocTriangles(VertexType::ColorVertex, BufferAccessType::ReadOnly).getMesh();
if (nullptr != mesh) {
// And observer the triangle
return true;
/// The update, will be called for each render frame
void onUpdate() override {
glm::mat4 rot(1.0);
if (AppBase::isKeyPressed(Platform::KEY_A)) {
m_transformMatrix.m_model *= glm::rotate(rot, 0.01f, glm::vec3(1, 0, 0));
if (AppBase::isKeyPressed(Platform::KEY_D)) {
m_transformMatrix.m_model *= glm::rotate(rot, -0.01f, glm::vec3(1, 0, 0));
if (AppBase::isKeyPressed(Platform::KEY_W)) {
m_transformMatrix.m_model *= glm::rotate(rot, 0.01f, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
if (AppBase::isKeyPressed(Platform::KEY_S)) {
m_transformMatrix.m_model *= glm::rotate(rot, -0.01f, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
if (AppBase::isKeyPressed(Platform::KEY_Q)) {
m_transformMatrix.m_model *= glm::scale(rot, glm::vec3(1.01f, 1.01, 1.01f));
if (AppBase::isKeyPressed(Platform::KEY_E)) {
m_transformMatrix.m_model *= glm::scale(rot, glm::vec3(0.99f, 0.99f, 0.99f));
// Set the model-matrix in the renderpass
RenderBackendService *rbSrv = getRenderBackendService();
rbSrv->setMatrix(MatrixType::Model, m_transformMatrix.m_model);
The engine provdes an 3D-Editor called OSRE-Ed. It is still experimental:
If you want to contribute just use the github project page or reach us via Gitter: