- TODO: organize this in a better way
- SIGGRAPH Course: Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice
- SIGGRAPH Course: Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games
- SIGGRAPH Course: Rendering Engine Architecture
- GDC Vault
- Graphics Programming Weekly - Article Database
- KIT Computer Graphics Group research page
- EPFL RGL (Realistic Graphics Lab)
- Ray Tracing Gems
- Ray Tracing Gems II
- Light Transport Papers
- Matt Pharr
- Morgan McGuire
- Iliyan Georgiev
- Eric Heitz
- Stephen Hill
- Anton Kaplanyan
- Arseny Kapoulkine
- Edward Liu
- Thomas Müller
- Yusuke Tokuyoshi
- Ari Silvennoinen
- Peter-Pike Sloan
- Wojciech Jarosz
- Brian Karis
- Chris Wyman
- Cem Yuksel
- Sébastien Hillaire
- Matt Pettineo
- Ravi Ramamoorthi
- Christoph Peters