Python implementation of Yik Yak using the pyak API by joseph346. More features to come in the future.
Archive functionality implented by stuharvey. Planning to add data analysis functions to the archive.
- Click Download ZIP
- Install Python 3 (latest version is 3.4.2):
- Open Terminal
- Install Requests
python3.4 -m pip install requests
- Install Pandas
python3.4 -m pip install pandas
Commands below are used for running the app:
- Type this command:
cd ./Downloads/YikYakTerminal-master
- Hit enter and then type
You should get text that looks like this:
Yik Yak Command Line Edition : Created by djtech42
Enter college name or address:
If you are having trouble getting it to run, let me know in Issues.
It allows you to enter the name of a college or university.
Enter college name or address: Capital University
The app will save this location as default, so you don't have to enter it each time.
Location is set to: Capital University
You can change this location at any time and see yaks from different colleges.
*Choose New Location (L) or (L <location>)
Actions are performed using a single letter and optional parameter(s).
*Passively archive Yaks (A)
*Read Latest Yaks (R)
*Read Top Local Yaks (T)
*Read Best Yaks of All Time (B)
*Show User Yaks (S)
*Show User Comments (O)
*Post Yak (P) or (P <message>)
*Post Comment (C) or (C <yak#>)
*Upvote Yak (U) or (U <yak#>)
*Downvote Yak (D) or (D <yak#>)
*Report Yak (E) or (E <yak#>)
*Upvote Comment (V) or (V <yak# comment#>)
*Downvote Comment (H) or (H <yak# comment#>)
*Report Comment (M) or (M <yak# comment#>)
*Yakarma Level (Y)
*Choose New User ID (I) or (I <userID>)
*Choose New Location (L) or (L <location>)
*Contact Yik Yak (F)
*Quit App (Q)
Input looks like this:
-> P I love this college!
retrieves the latest yaks from your location.
retrieves the highest upvoted yaks from your location.
retrieves the highest upvoted yaks from anywhere.
retrieves your own yaks.
retrieves your own replies to yaks.
To start a post, enter P
You can specify a handle for a post and choose whether to show location:
Enter message to yak:
Good morning!
Add handle: (Blank to omit):
Friendly Yakker
Show location? (Y/N) Y
Using the parameter allows for quicker posting:
-> P Good Morning!
You specify the number of the yak, which is in the top-left corner:
Losing your wallet is like losing a part of your soul.
Comment: -> C 31
Enter comment:
Same for upvoting a yak: -> U 31
Downvoting a yak: -> D 31
Upvoting a comment requires the yak number as well as the comment number to the left of the dashed line.
1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Best yak I've read today. You win.
Posted 2014-10-19 20:50:59
Upvoting a comment: -> V 31 1
Downvoting a comment: -> H 31 1
Can they turn the heat on in our dorms...its too cold in here
3 likes | Posted 2014-10-12 00:50:19 at 39.9435063 -82.9450901
1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Supposedly that's happening Wednesday
Posted 2014-10-12 01:11:52
2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) thank god
Posted 2014-10-12 01:15:36
- Yak Number
- Yak
- Number of likes | Post date and time, location
- Number of comments
- Comment Number
- (Vote Number) Comment
- Comment post date and time
Commits containing new, unreleased features will be available on the beta branch. There is no guarantee that these features will work.
This app is licensed under the GPL license. Feel free to contribute to it.
This software utilizes PyGeoCoder to convert addresses to coordinates (licensed under BSD):
API url was, but the repo seems to be deleted now.
I modified the original to create specific output for this app.