A React component for creating frames with the nine patch technique.
Just use
npm install --save @stur86/nine-patch-react
or your package manager's equivalent.
Import the component like this:
import NinePatch from "@stur86/nine-patch-react";
And use like this:
<NinePatch src="my_frame.png">
Content goes here
More information in the demo and documentation page.
This package was developed using Bun. The repository uses the workspaces function to host multiple packages, which are:
: the core librarynpr-demo
: the demo and documentation page, built using React and Vite
If you want to propose any new features or fix any bugs, forks and pull requests are welcome! There is a suite of tests you can run with bun test
inside the packages/npr
folder, and you can launch the demo page in development mode with bun run dev
in packages/npr-demo
- React, obviously
- Bun for package managing and testing
- Vite for the bundling and building of the demo page
- Google Fonts for the demo page itself
- react-code-block for the highlighted code in the examples. This in turn uses Prism for the actual highlighting. In addition, react-element-to-jsx-string was an amazing help as it allowed me to turn the example component into its TSX source code without a need to duplicate it. Extremely convenient!
- Aseprite and Inkscape for the frames used in the demos