An IRC Client library
Configure Microsoft.Extensions.Logging appropriately. For example, using log4net:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Log4Net.AspNetCore" Version="5.0.4" />
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
// ...
var loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory().AddLog4Net("log4net.xml");
Create a configuration object:
var configuration = new IrcConfiguration(
hostname: "",
port: 6697,
authToServices: true,
nickname: "stwtestbot",
username: "stwtestbot",
realName: "stwtestbot",
servicesUsername: "testbot",
servicesPassword: "sup3rs3cr3t",
servicesCertificate: "/path/to/passwordless/store.pfx",
ssl: true,
clientName: "TestClient",
restartOnHeavyLag: false
Create yourself an IrcClient object, and join a channel:
var client = new IrcClient(
new SupportHelper(loggerFactory.CreateLogger<SupportHelper>)
Finally, make your new bot do something:
client.ReceivedMessage += (sender, args) =>
if (!args.IsNotice)
args.Client.SendMessage("##stwalkerster-development", args.User.ToString() + " -> " + args.Client.Nickname);
client.Mode("##stwalkerster-development", "+t");
- If you use servicesCertificate, the client will attempt to do a SASL EXTERNAL authentication. You must enable SSL if you want to use this, as it does mTLS negotiation.