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The Python interface to the MessageDB Event Store and Message Store.


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Message DB is a fully-featured event store and message store implemented in PostgreSQL for Pub/Sub, Event Sourcing, Messaging, and Evented Microservices applications.

message-db-py is a Python interface to the Message DB event store and message store, designed for easy integration into Python applications.

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Use pip to install:

$ pip install message-db-py

Setting up Message DB database

Clone the Message DB repository to set up the database:

$ git clone

More detailed instructions are in the Installation section of Message DB repo.

Running the database installation script creates the database, schema, table, indexes, functions, views, types, a user role, and limit the user's privileges to the message store's public interface.

The installation script is in the database directory of the cloned Message DB repo. Change directory to the message-db directory where you cloned the repo, and run the script:

$ database/

Make sure that your default Postgres user has administrative privileges.

Database Name

By default, the database creation tool will create a database named message_store.

If you prefer either a different database name, you can override the name using the DATABASE_NAME environment variable.

$ DATABASE_NAME=some_other_database database/

Uninstalling the Database

If you need to drop the database (for example, on a local dev machine):

$ database/

If you're upgrading a previous version of the database:

$ database/

Docker Image

You can optionally use a Docker image with Message DB pre-installed and ready to go. This is especially helpful to run test cases locally.

The docker image is available in Docker Hub. The source is in Gitlab


The complete user guide for Message DB is available at [] (

Below is documentation for methods exposed through the Python API.


Here's a quick example of how to publish and read messages using Message-DB-py:

from message_db import MessageDB

# Initialize the database connection
store = MessageDB(CONNECTION_URL)

# Write a message
store.write("user_stream", "register", {"name": "John Doe"})

# Read a message
message = store.read_last_message("user_stream")

Primary APIs

Write messages

The write method is used to append a new message to a specified stream within the message database. This method ensures that the message is written with the appropriate type, data, and metadata, and optionally, at a specific expected version of the stream.

def write(
    stream_name: str,
    message_type: str,
    data: Dict,
    metadata: Dict | None = None,
    expected_version: int | None = None,
) -> int:
    """Write a message to a stream."""


  • stream_name (str): The name of the stream to which the message will be written. This identifies the logical series of messages.
  • message_type (str): The type of message being written. Typically, this reflects the nature of the event or data change the message represents.
  • data (Dict): The data payload of the message. This should be a dictionary containing the actual information the message carries.
  • metadata (Dict | None): Optional. Metadata about the message, provided as a dictionary. Metadata can include any additional information that is not part of the - main data payload, such as sender information or timestamps. Defaults to None.
  • expected_version (int | None): Optional. The version of the stream where the client expects to write the message. This is used for concurrency control and ensuring the integrity of the stream's order. Defaults to None.


  • position (int): The position (or version number) of the message in the stream after it has been successfully written.
message_db = MessageDB(connection_pool=my_pool)
stream_name = "user_updates"
message_type = "UserCreated"
data = {"user_id": 123, "username": "example"}
metadata = {"source": "web_app"}

position = message_db.write(stream_name, message_type, data, metadata)

print("Message written at position:", position)

Read messages from a stream or category

The read method retrieves messages from a specified stream or category. This method supports flexible query options through a direct SQL parameter or by determining the SQL based on the stream name and its context (stream vs. category vs. all messages).

def read(
    stream_name: str,
    sql: str | None = None,
    position: int = 0,
    no_of_messages: int = 1000,
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Read messages from a stream or category.

    Returns a list of messages from the stream or category starting from the given position.


  • stream_name (str): The identifier for the stream or category from which messages are to be retrieved. Special names like "$all" can be used to fetch messages across all streams.
  • sql (str | None, optional): An optional SQL query string that if provided, overrides the default SQL generation based on the stream_name. If None, the SQL is automatically generated based on the stream_name value. Defaults to None.
  • position (int, optional): The starting position in the stream or category from which to begin reading messages. Defaults to 0.
  • no_of_messages (int, optional): The maximum number of messages to retrieve. Defaults to 1000.


  • List[Dict[str, Any]]: A list of messages, where each message is represented as a dictionary containing details such as the message ID, stream name, type, position, global position, data, metadata, and timestamp.
message_db = MessageDB(connection_pool=my_pool)
stream_name = "user-updates"
position = 10
no_of_messages = 50

# Reading from a specific stream
messages =, position=position, no_of_messages=no_of_messages)

# Custom SQL query
custom_sql = "SELECT * FROM get_stream_messages(%(stream_name)s, %(position)s, %(batch_size)s);"
messages =, sql=custom_sql, position=position, no_of_messages=no_of_messages)

for message in messages:

Read Last Message from stream

The read_last_message method retrieves the most recent message from a specified stream. This method is useful when you need the latest state or event in a stream without querying the entire message history.

def read_last_message(self, stream_name: str) -> Dict[str, Any] | None:
    """Read the last message from a stream."""


  • stream_name (str): The name of the stream from which the last message is to be retrieved.


  • Dict[str, Any] | None: A dictionary representing the last message in the specified stream. If the stream is empty or the message does not exist, None is returned.
message_db = MessageDB(connection_pool=my_pool)
stream_name = "user_updates"

# Reading the last message from a stream
last_message = message_db.read_last_message(stream_name)

if last_message:
    print("Last message data:", last_message)
    print("No messages found in the stream.")

Utility APIs

Read Stream

The read_stream method retrieves a sequence of messages from a specified stream within the message database. This method is specifically designed to fetch messages from a well-defined stream based on a starting position and a specified number of messages.

def read_stream(
    self, stream_name: str, position: int = 0, no_of_messages: int = 1000
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Read messages from a stream.

    Returns a list of messages from the stream starting from the given position.


  • stream_name (str): The name of the stream from which messages are to be retrieved. This name must include a hyphen (-) to be recognized as a valid stream identifier.
  • position (int, optional): The zero-based index position from which to start reading messages. Defaults to 0, which starts reading from the beginning of the stream.
  • no_of_messages (int, optional): The maximum number of messages to retrieve from the stream. Defaults to 1000.


  • List[Dict[str, Any]]: A list of dictionaries, each representing a message retrieved from the stream. Each dictionary contains the message details structured in key-value pairs.


  • ValueError: Raised if the provided stream_name does not contain a hyphen (-), which is required to validate the name as a stream identifier.
message_db = MessageDB(connection_pool=my_pool)
stream_name = "user-updates-2023"
position = 0
no_of_messages = 100

messages = message_db.read_stream(stream_name, position, no_of_messages)

for message in messages:

Read Category

The read_category method retrieves a sequence of messages from a specified category within the message database. It is designed to fetch messages based on a category identifier, starting from a specific position, and up to a defined limit of messages.

def read_category(
    self, category_name: str, position: int = 0, no_of_messages: int = 1000
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Read messages from a category.

    Returns a list of messages from the category starting from the given position.


  • category_name (str): The name of the category from which messages are to be retrieved. This identifier should not include a hyphen (-) to validate it as a category name.
  • position (int, optional): The zero-based index position from which to start reading messages within the category. Defaults to 0.
  • no_of_messages (int, optional): The maximum number of messages to retrieve from the category. Defaults to 1000.


  • List[Dict[str, Any]]: A list of dictionaries, each representing a message. Each dictionary includes details about the message such as the message ID, stream name, type, position, global position, data, metadata, and time of creation.


  • ValueError: Raised if the provided category_name contains a hyphen (-), which is not allowed for category identifiers and implies a misunderstanding between streams and categories.
message_db = MessageDB(connection_pool=my_pool)
category_name = "user_updates"
position = 0
no_of_messages = 100

# Reading messages from a category
messages = message_db.read_category(category_name, position, no_of_messages)

for message in messages:

Write Batch

The write_batch method is designed to write a series of messages to a specified stream in a batch operation. It ensures atomicity in writing operations, where all messages are written in sequence, and each subsequent message can optionally depend on the position of the last message written. This method is useful when multiple messages need to be written as a part of a single transactional context.

def write_batch(
    self, stream_name, data, expected_version: int | None = None
) -> int:
    """Write a batch of messages to a stream."""


  • stream_name (str): The name of the stream to which the batch of messages will be written.
  • data (List[Tuple[str, Dict, Dict | None]]): A list of tuples, where each tuple represents a message. The tuple format is (message_type, data, metadata), with metadata being optional.
  • expected_version (int | None, optional): The version of the stream where the batch operation expects to start writing. This can be used for concurrency control to ensure messages are written in the expected order. Defaults to None.


  • position (int): The position (or version number) of the last message written in the stream as a result of the batch operation.
message_db = MessageDB(connection_pool=my_pool)
stream_name = "order_events"
data = [
    ("OrderCreated", {"order_id": 123, "product_id": 456}, None),
        {"order_id": 123, "shipment_id": 789},
        {"priority": "high"}
    ("OrderDelivered", {"order_id": 123, "delivery_date": "2024-04-23"}, None)

# Writing a batch of messages to a stream
last_position = message_db.write_batch(stream_name, data)

print(f"Last message written at position: {last_position}")




The Python interface to the MessageDB Event Store and Message Store.







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