This project can be used for using a single Ethereum node in Docker which runs in a private network. The steps below will take to through the setup of single node to web3 deploy.
- Clone the project into your machine:
- Make the Docker image:
cd ethereumDocker
docker build -t {image-name} .
- Run the Docker image as a container:
docker run -d -i -p {docker-rpc-port}:{host-rpc-port} {image-name}
- Now enter the container:
docker exec -it <container-id/container-name> /bin/bash
- Make a folder in /root for the geth data to be stored:
cd /root
mkdir testnet
cd testnet
mkdir datadir
cd datadir
mkdir keystore
cd ~
- Now make a new geth account with any password or empty and correspondingly update the password.txt that will be made:
geth --datadir "/root/testnet/datadir" account new
cd testnet
touch password.txt
cd ~
Note down the account number as you will need it in the next step.
Now run puppeth to prepare the genesis.json for your private chain setup:
cd testnet puppeth
Please follow the steps by selecting the options in the interactive shell:
a. 2. Configure new genesis
b. 1. Ethash - proof-of-work
c. Which accounts should be pre-funded? (advisable at least one) 0x{account-number}
d. Specify your chain/network ID if you want an explicit one (default = random)
{Enter any value}e. Anything fun to embed into the genesis block? (max 32 bytes)
{Skip with enter}f. 2. Save existing genesis
Now after this you will have your genesis.json file to initialize geth
Now we need to initialize geth:
geth --datadir "/root/testnet/datadir" init genesis.json
Now we need to run geth as a background process:
nohup geth --datadir "/root/testnet/datadir" --networkid {previously-entered-networkid-puppeth} --port {portid} --identity {any-identifiable-name} --verbosity 3 --rpc --rpcapi "eth,web3,net,admin,miner,personal" --rpcport {rpc-port-docker} --rpcaddr "" --rpccorsdomain "*" --mine --minerthreads 2 --unlock 0 --password "/root/testnet/password.txt" console &
Here we need to replace the values with '{}' with valid data.
Now enter the geth console with rpc:
geth attach rpc:
- Go to and copy the below code to generate a sample web3 deploy:
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract test {
uint _val;
function getValue() returns(uint){
return _val;
function setValue(uint val){
- Copy the web3 deploy and paste it in the geth console and wait for it to be mined.
Congratulations, you have succssfully set up a private chain Ethereum.
For more details in Ethereum,