This project allows you to embed the Suborbital code editor into your React application.
Install the library:
npm install @suborbital/editor-react
Import the library:
import { Editor } from "@suborbital/editor-react";
Render the editor:
You can find the full set of configuration options listed below:
interface EditorProps {
/** The public URL of your builder service */
builder: string;
/** The identifier used to address your specific user */
ident: string;
/** The optional function namespace */
namespace?: string;
/** The name of the function */
functionName: string;
/** The editor token retrieved from the controlplane service */
token: string;
/** The function template to render */
template: string;
/** Additional configuration options */
options?: {
/** Hide the name of the function in the editor */
hideName?: boolean;
/** The public URL of the code editor; defaults to */
editorUrl?: string;
/** The width of the code editor */
width?: number | string;
/** The height of the code editor */
height?: number | string;
After an initial npm install
, build the project with npm run rollup
. That's it!