#CloudPassage Scan all Servers Example
Version: 1.0
Author: Eric Hoffmann - ehoffmann@cloudpassage.com
Users can use the provided example script to initiate a scan against all active servers or active servers in a specified Server Group. It uses the Halo API to launch the scan, using the cmdline option to specify which type of scan. Supported types are:
- SVA - Software Vulnerability Assessement
- CSM - Configuration Security Monitoring
- SAM - Server Account Management
- FIM - File Integrity Monitoring
##Requirements and Dependencies
To run, this script requires
- Ruby installed on the host that runs the script
- Ruby gems: oauth2, rest-client, json
- A read-only Halo API key/secret stored in a yaml file
- The location of the yaml file set as a ENV variable
##List of Files
- scan_all_servers.rb - Ruby script which leverages the Halo API to initiate a server scan
- README.md - This ReadMe file
- Gemfile - Gemfile to install ruby requirements
- LICENSE.txt - License from CloudPassage
- Copy a read-only Halo API key/secret from the Halo Portal into a "dot" file ie ~/.halo
- Set the location of the api-key file as a ENV variable called HALO_API_KEY_FILE
- Run bundler to install the ruby requirements: bundle install
- Execute the script
The format of ~/.halo
key_id : XXXXXXXX
The additional variable in your ~/.bash_profile
HALO_API_KEY_FILE="/home/<your username>/.halo"
How to excute the script
ruby scan_all_servers.rb --sva --group="Web Servers"
[INFO] successfully launched sva against docker-ubuntu-ec2:
[INFO] successfully launched sva against docker-ubuntu1404-ec2:
ruby scan_all_servers.rb --help
Usage: scan_all_servers [options]
--sva SVA scan
--csm CSM scan
--sam SAM scan
--fim FIM scan (requires active baseline)
--group Filter active servers by group_name (partial matches)
-h, --help usage: scan_active_srvs.rb [ --sva | --csm | --sam | --fim ][--group="Group Name"]