Typeprotect allows you to password-protect any of your pages with a single line of PHP code.
Default password is "test".
- Minimal yet extremely usuable user interface.
- Lightweight - ~4kb
- Simple - one single file, no external CSS
Copy & paste typeprotect.php to your directory
Open up typeprotect.php and change the value for $password to your own SHA-1 hashed password (http://www.sha1-online.com/). The default password is test, which is "a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3" when SHA-1 hashed.
Include the following code on the first line of the document you'd like to protect.
To create a signout link, add the following line of code.
<a href="typeprotect.php?signout=1">Sign Out</a>