A simple Node.js wrapper for the Gigya REST API. Based on the official Gigya Server Side SDKs
- node-fetch - ^1.6.0
- qs - ^6.2.1
via npm:
npm install node-gigya
The request
method that takes an endpoint string and an object with request parameters. A predefined list of endpoints have also been mapped to the instance and are bound to the request
method (see the white list below.)
const Gigya = require('node-gigya');
const myGigya = new Gigya(myAPIKey, mySecretKey);
// get a user's account info:
const req = myGigya.request('accounts.getAccountInfo', { uid: 'useridhere' });
// OR by using the mapped method..
// const req = myGigya.accounts.getAccountInfo({ uid: 'useridhere' });
response => {
// response is the json response object from the api
err => {
// err.response contains the original json response object returned by the api.
// err.status is the error code of the json response..
// e.g., "errorCode": 401002, err.status will be 401
Included static utility methods for calculating and validating signatures in accordance with Gigya's Security Guidelines
const SigUtils = require('node-gigya').SigUtils;
Utilitiy method for validating a user signature, pass in the UID, signatureTimesatmp, site secret key, and the UIDSignature. Returns true or false.
Utility method for creating a Base64 encoded signature. Pass in a base string and the site secret key. User signatures use a base string in the format of %TIMESTAMP%_%UID%. Returns Base64 encoded signature.
See Gigya's REST API docs for a list of all current endpoints and their required parameters. This list has been maintained as of September 2016, so some endpoints may have been deprecated since.
- accounts.deleteAccount
- accounts.deleteScreenSet
- accounts.exchangeUIDSignature
- accounts.finalizeRegistration
- accounts.getAccountInfo
- accounts.getConflictingAccount
- accounts.getCounters
- accounts.getPolicies
- accounts.getRegisteredCounters
- accounts.getSchema
- accounts.getScreenSets
- accounts.importProfilePhoto
- accounts.incrementCounters
- accounts.initRegistration
- accounts.isAvailableLoginID
- accounts.linkAccounts
- accounts.login
- accounts.logout
- accounts.notifyLogin
- accounts.publishProfilePhoto
- accounts.register
- accounts.registerCounters
- accounts.resendVerificationCode
- accounts.resetPassword
- accounts.search
- accounts.setAccountInfo
- accounts.setPolicies
- accounts.setProfilePhoto
- accounts.setSchema
- accounts.setScreenSet
- ds.delete
- ds.get
- ds.getSchema
- ds.search
- ds.setSchema
- ds.store
- socialize.checkin
- socialize.deleteAccount
- socialize.delUserSettings
- socialize.exchangeUIDSignature
- socialize.exportUsers
- socialize.facebookGraphOperation
- socialize.getAlbums
- socialize.getContacts
- socialize.getFeed
- socialize.getFriendsInfo
- socialize.getPhotos
- socialize.getPlaces
- socialize.getRawData
- socialize.getReactionsCount
- socialize.getSessionInfo
- socialize.getTopShares
- socialize.getUserInfo
- socialize.getUserSettings
- socialize.importIdentities
- socialize.incrementReactionsCount
- socialize.logout
- socialize.notifyLogin
- socialize.notifyRegistration
- socialize.publishUserAction
- socialize.removeConnection
- socialize.sendNotification
- socialize.setStatus
- socialize.setUID
- socialize.setUserInfo
- socialize.setUserSettings
- socialize.shortenURL