- Uses sequence alignment data from
files to assemble transcripts with StringTie. - Analyses and quantifies splice junctions in .bam files, filtering those which are unlinkely to be genuine.
- Merges all assembled transcripts with StringTie.
- Classifies and load transcripts into a databases.
- Uses a separately custom-built pipeline to find utrons and their IDs.
- Makes a Salmon index and quantifies transcripts with Salmon.
- Merges all quantification files and uploads the outputs onto database.
- RNA-se read alignments in a .bam format, in order to generate assembled transcripts in .gtf format.
- A transcriptome in .fa format, in order to build a salmon index.
- RNA-seq reads in fastq.1.gz and fastq.2.gz formats, for generating salmon quantification files in .sf format.
The updated GenomeAnalysis.pyx
and IndexedGenome.py
should replace the old versions in cgat/cgat-apps/CGAT
The pipeline requires a configured :file: pipeline.yml
Make a directory with your project name.
Configure the pipeline with python [path_to_repo]/pipeline_utrons.py config
A pipeline.log and pipeline.yml file(s) will be added to your new directory.
Modify the pipeline.yml according to your project (specify annotation database and directory, database for uploading the outputs; specify options for Salmon quantification).
Run the pipeline with python [path_to_repo]/pipeline_utrons.py config make full
For running the pipeline on a large set of samples, submit the pipeline onto the cluster (sharc), using a submit_pipeline_cgtaflow custom script.