The Pan Pangenome Reference Project seeks to construct a pangenomic resource for humans closest living relatives - chimpanzees and bonobos of the pan clade. The Phase I goal of this project is produce a high quality resource for comparative genomics and comparative population genetics that can be intergrated directly with the ongoing efforts of the Human Pangenome Reference Project (HRPC).
All samples are sequenced to at least 30x with PacBio HiFi. Samples with HiC and ONT-UL (N=5) are sequenced to at least 60x with HiFi.
Name | Species | Data | Cells for UW ONT-UL |
PR01227 | Pan troglodytes (verus) | PacBio HiFi, HiC, ONT-UL | shipped to Kendra |
PR01225 | Pan troglodytes (verus) | PacBio HiFi | |
PR01223 | Pan troglodytes (verus) | PacBio HiFi | |
PR01228 | Pan troglodytes (verus) | PacBio HiFi | |
PR00512 | Pan troglodytes (verus) | PacBio HiFi | |
PR01100 | Pan troglodytes (verus) | PacBio HiFi | |
PR00834 | Pan troglodytes (troglodytes) | PacBio HiFi, HiC, ONT-UL | still growing |
PR00838 | Pan troglodytes (troglodytes) | PacBio HiFi | |
PR00115 | Pan troglodytes (troglodytes) | PacBio HiFi | |
PR00251* | Pan paniscus | PacBio HiFi, HiC | shipping for Glennis |
PR00366 | Pan paniscus | PacBio HiFi, HiC, ONT-UL | still growing |
PR00445 | Pan paniscus | PacBio HiFi | |
PR00249 | Pan paniscus | PacBio HiFi | |
PR01008 | Pan troglodytes (schweinfurthii) | PacBio HiFi, HiC, ONT-UL | still growing |
PR01009 | Pan troglodytes (schweinfurthii) | PacBio HiFi | |
PR01010 | Pan troglodytes (schweinfurthii) | PacBio HiFi, HiC, ONT-UL | shipped to Kendra |
PR00496A | Pan troglodytes (troglodytes? schweinfurthii?) | PacBio HiFi |
*Duplicate w/ primate T2T efforts Data shared w/ William Harvey by Globus 10/31/2022
- PacBio HiFi Data Produced by UC Berkeley
- HiC Sequencing Data Produced by UC Berkeley
- Oxford Nanopore Data Produced by UW