Simple server that queries a Mysql database (vMangos WoW structure), and serves the data to the WoWArmory frontend.
SETUP: Make an .env file in project root and make sure to define the following variables: DB_IP = dbip (localhost if running on same machine as the database) DB_PORT = dbport (not in use atm) DB_USER = dbuser DB_PW = password PORT = this server port (if you want to specify a port otherwise it'll run on 5000)
npm run start
I suggest making a new mysql user for the database, with only read permissions - you don't want sql injections, and I do barely and input-checking.
Server accesses the 'characters' and 'mangos' databases and some of their tables.
Needs access to these: characters database: characters (need player's guid for equipment checking, class, and visuals), character_inventory (checking only slots 0-18, i.e. what is equipped) item_instance (checking item instance for enchantments)
mangos database: item_template (get base item info)