This repository contains a python module for building your own portfolio assessment pipeline.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install requirements
pipenv install
This alphavantage
module contains a client for Alpha Advantage API. Since this client has limited usage, only requests for stock market related data are available. Get your free api key here and set your environment variable.
vim ~/.bash_profile
export ALHPHA_ADVANTAGE=your-api-key-here
source ~/.bash_profile
Initialize client instance with a list of symbols, which could be stocks in your portflio. Requests for symbols will be issued asynchronously and corresponding json responses will be returned in generator type.
from alphavantage.avstockclient import AlphaVantageStockClient
# specify stock symbols you'd like to get information about
symbols=['aapl', 'amzn', 'spot', 'nvda','intu', 'hrs', 'ibm', 'msft']
client = AlphaVantageStockClient(symbols=symbols)
responses = client.get_get_daily() # generator