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576 lines (575 loc) · 98.8 KB

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576 lines (575 loc) · 98.8 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
5634 @hackerkid/Mind-Expanding-Books 📚 Books that will blow your mind
3773 @blivesta/animsition A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions. ↗️
3165 @franciscop/picnic 👜 A beautiful CSS library to kickstart your projects ↗️
1869 @t32k/stylestats StyleStats is a library to collect CSS statistics.
1703 @cognitom/paper-css Paper CSS for happy printing ↗️
862 @jaicab/localFont Implement localStorage web font caching in seconds ↗️
735 @yui540/Cowardly-Witch 『臆病な魔女は、Webサイトに魔法をかけた。』 ↗️
712 @ellekasai/twemoji-awesome [Unmaintained] Like Font Awesome, but for Twitter Emoji ↗️
619 @windyakin/Honoka Honoka is one of the original Bootstrap theme. ↗️
527 @onevcat/vno Vno, just another ghost theme
504 @onevcat/vno-jekyll Another ported theme for Jekyll
463 @lepture/yue.css A typography stylesheet for readable content ↗️
405 @sanographix/rin A Lean HTML & SASS Boilerplate ↗️
351 @zlq4863947/tradingViewWikiCn tradingView的中文开发文档 ↗️
323 @makotokw/redmine-theme-gitmike This is github-like theme for Redmine.
292 @jmblog/color-themes-for-google-code-prettify Syntax highlighting color themes for Google Code Prettify ↗️
274 @amatsuda/erd A Rails engine for drawing your app's ER diagram
261 @simurai/duotone-dark-syntax DuoTone dark - A syntax theme for Atom
231 @waynezhang/blog just another blog ↗️
228 @yui540/DropOut 『僕は魔法少女-----そう思っていた』 ↗️
227 @ttskch/select2-bootstrap4-theme Select2 v4 theme for Bootstrap4
218 @terkel/mathsass A Sass implementation of mathematical functions.
205 @simurai/one-vibrancy Vibrancy effect for Atom One themes
204 @hermanschaaf/ironzebra A Go blogging engine
203 @yteraoka/ansible-tutorial
195 @ykob/fullscreen-slider This asset controls sections in a page. It resizes sections to fullscreen resolution and moves these individually by wheel/touch events. ↗️
192 @onevcat/OneV-s-Den Blog
182 @georgeOsdDev/markdown-edit online markdown editor/viewer ↗️
173 @frontainer/frontplate フロントエンド開発の効率をあげるフルスタックテンプレート
171 @t32k/maple A better front-end boilerplate.
151 @ktoso/scala-types-of-types Scala's Types of Types
143 @yui540/HAPPY_BIRTHDAY_YUI 🎂由比ヶ浜結衣生誕2018 『ありがと...バカ』🎂 ↗️
133 @hail2u/normalize.scss Modularized and Sassy normalize.css
132 @simurai/filter.css A collection of CSS filter combos ↗️
131 @minodisk/markn Lightweight markdown viewer. ↗️
129 @wyukawa/yanagishima Web UI for PrestoDB( and Hive
126 @lotz84/haskellbyexample Haskell by Example ↗️
121 @akabekobeko/redmine-theme-minimalflat2 Minimal and flat theme for Redmine.
116 @ixkaito/frasco Jekyll starter kit including full setup for gulp, Sass, Autoprefixer, PostCSS, Webpack, imagemin, Browsersync etc. ↗️
115 @yuki540net/DropOut 『僕は魔法少女-----そう思っていた』 ↗️
110 @simurai/ZEN-Player HTML5 Audio player ↗️
106 @cognitom/keiyaku-css Crazy Style Formatter for Japanese Contract Document ↗️
103 @agektmr/BrowserStorageAbuser Browser Storage Abuser is a tool to experiment your browser storage limitation on LocalStorage, SessionStorage, WebSQL Database, IndexedDB API and FileSystem API. You can add arbitrary sized files to those storage to see the limit of their size.
100 @dongri/Coder Ghost Theme
100 @simurai/duotone-syntax Master template for DuoTone syntax themes
99 @qingfeng/p Upload file service for Douban
96 @makotot/sidebar sidebar ↗️
94 @martinheidegger/es6modules-nodejs A summary of the discussion of ES6 modules in Node.js ↗️
92 @BYVoid/microblog A tiny mircoblog system using Node.js for learning purposes.
88 @rakuishi/hugo-zen Hugo Zen is a minimal hugo theme.
82 @mattn/mkup Portable Markdown Previewer
80 @r7kamura/yattecast Podcastサイトをつくるためのテンプレート ↗️
76 @nabettu/mymarkdown
76 @yoshiko-pg/ じこしょうかい
75 @bokuweb/slack-list-ja 📋 A handpicked selection of top Slack communities in japan ↗️
74 @a-know/grass-graph PNG Generator of GitHub Public Contribution Graph ↗️
69 @deltaluca/ Nape website.
67 @yui540/ChocolateCake CSSアニメーション作品一覧サイト ↗️
65 @simurai/tone-syntax An Atom theme with customizable colors
64 @yterajima/middleman-slim A Middleman template using Slim.
61 @htanjo/kss-node-template Stylish template for kss-node. ↗️
60 @Keats/ng-boilerplate AngularJS boilerplate app
59 @hiroppy/slides My slides ↗️
58 @simurai/duotone-light-syntax DuoTone light - A syntax theme for Atom
57 @client9/sslassert simple scripts to make sure your web server is configured correctly under HTTPS
57 @simurai/umbrUI appearance:none styling.
56 @azu/pdf-markdown-annotator [nw.js] pdf viewer + markdown editor
56 @ykob/glsl-dissolve it's dissolve effects for the 2D cross fade made with glsl. ↗️
55 @5t111111/middleman-blog-drops-template A blog template for Middleman which lets you start blogging immediately. Supports GitHub Pages and S3 deployment, sitemap, Atom feed, Google Analytics, responsive layout and syntax highlighting.
53 @t32k/wisteria The best HTML-driven prototyping tool for designing in browser. ↗️
51 @tell-k/sphinxjp.themes.revealjs A sphinx theme for generate reveal.js presentation. #sphinxjp ↗️
50 @BcRikko/css-collection 🧙‍♂️ CSS芸人への道(CSSでつくったもの集)| I want to be CSS Magician ↗️
50 @hatena/Hatena-Blog-Themes
50 @progrhyme/hugo-theme-bootie-docs A simple Hugo theme for documentation ↗️
49 @yui540/css_animation_live 『ニートに学ぶCSS Animation演出講座 放課後』で解説する作品
48 @cognitom/symbols The Template of Symbol Fonts for Web
48 @ruedap/emma.css 🍴 Emma.css { emmet-like utility classes } ↗️
47 @hatena/Hatena-Blog-Theme-Boilerplate-Less
46 @yui540/Yozora_No_Okurimono 『ようこそ----臆病な魔女教団へ。』 ↗️
43 @nowri/sample-noto Qiitaに投稿した「Noto Sans CJK JP フォントをダウンロードしてサイトに適用する手順」のサンプルデータ
42 @overlast/word-vector-web-api Implementation in order to operate a web API of word vector models which are generated by Word2Vec, GloVe or e.t.c.
41 @hail2u/scss-partials SCSS partials
40 @inc2734/habakiri
40 @simurai/duotone-dark-sea-syntax A dark blue-green DuoTone syntax theme for Atom ↗️
39 @Yagami360/My_NoteBook サイエンス、テクノロジー、エンジニアリング関連の情報を記載したノート(忘備録)です。 ↗️
39 @jaicab/sass-vary Consistent theming with BEM modifiers, body classes and more! ↗️
39 @ryonakae/dash A simple and clean Sass/Compass-based framework
37 @t32k/speed Make the Web Faster! ↗️
37 @yui540/Hitorigoto『ヒトリゴト』 ↗️
35 @codeyu/ng-book-code
35 @goofmint/TodoistGanttChartView Gantt Chart Viewer for Todoist
34 @kevincobain2000/instagram-bot-api Instagram Bot using Nodejs and instagram api
33 @hatena/Hatena-Blog-Theme-Boilerplate ↗️
33 @key-amb/hugo-theme-bootie-docs A simple Hugo theme for documentation ↗️
32 @Lewuathe/dllib dllib is a distributed deep learning library running on Apache Spark ↗️
32 @hail2u/ Repository for tracking (or stalking) changes on CSS or Sassy CSS (SCSS) files for ↗️
31 @fulmicoton/readymade
31 @manabuyasuda/equip Gulp, EJS, Sass(ECSS), Aigis, iconfont
31 @norio-nomura/qlplayground qlplayground is a QuickLook plugin for Swift files.
30 @hidenorigoto/symfony2-book 基本からしっかり学ぶSymfony2入門 サポートサイト
30 @increments/qiita-coat The UI components for Qiita. ↗️
30 @jaicab/responsive-reCAPTCHA A mobile-first theme for Google's reCAPTCHA. ↗️
30 @nryotaro/Siera jekyll theme
30 @simurai/cssconf-app A totally fake CSSConf app
29 @matsubo/emoji-sprite CSS sprite and icons of EMOJI. ↗️
29 @sanographix/css3-countdown Flip style CSS3 countdown timer ↗️
29 @ttskch/jekyll-ttskch-theme A simple and customizable theme for Jekyll. ↗️
29 @yuki540net/Hitorigoto『ヒトリゴト』 ↗️
28 @minoryorg/Noto-Sans-CJK-JP サブセット化済みの「Noto Sans CJK JP」(日本語フォント)のCSS付きWebフォント
27 @Yellowen/admin_lte-rails Gemified version of AdminLTE, with LTR, RTL and SASS/SCSS support
27 @kentaro/puppet-book
27 @yamkazu/grails3-samples Samples for Grails 3
26 @ixkaito/unreset.css unreset.css restores browsers' default element styles which are reset by Eric Meyer's Reset CSS, YUI 3 Reset CSS, HTML5 Reset Stylesheet of HTML5 Doctor, or Tim Murtaugh's HTML5 Reset.
26 @superbrothers/vim-quickrun-markdown-gfm vim-quickrun plugin for Markdown by GitHub Markdown API
25 @gugod/Social
25 @simurai/one-dark-vivid-syntax A more vivid One Dark Syntax theme ↗️
25 @yusukebe/Yomico Yet Another Markdown Viewer ↗️
24 @making/jsug-shop ↗️
24 @nineties/category-seminar Materials for category theory seminar
24 @simurai/duotone-dark-space-syntax A dark blue-red DuoTone syntax theme for Atom ↗️
24 @tcnksm/ @tcnksm writes blog ↗️
23 @ixkaito/unreset-css Unreset CSS restores browsers' default element styles which are reset by Eric Meyer's Reset CSS, YUI 3 Reset CSS, HTML5 Reset Stylesheet of HTML5 Doctor, or Tim Murtaugh's HTML5 Reset.
22 @aw/portfolio Curate your code and show the world how great you are ↗️
22 @ixkaito/viewportscale To linearly scale font-size, margin, padding, etc. across viewport widths. ↗️
22 @yui540/learn-css-animation 💻「夜空ノ贈リ物」で解説する完成品💻 ↗️
21 @ajayns/gatsby-hacker-news Gatsby implementation of Hacker News ↗️
21 @muukii/jackhammer-syntax Dark and Bright Syntax Theme
21 @pepabo/ GMO ペパボの公開ドキュメント ↗️
20 @Keats/hyde Port of to Gutenberg
20 @Yukinoshita47/ICG-Botnet-Yandere-Army-Edition PHP Botnet For Ddos
20 @cognitom/ModernAqua-Theme-for-SugarCRM MacOSX-like theme by CogniTom ↗️
20 @moongift/TodoistGanttChartView Gantt Chart Viewer for Todoist
20 @mugifly/jquery-hover-dropdown-box The jQuery plugin that provides interactive drop-down list box ↗️
20 @spring-raining/pretty-autoindex Show nginx autoindex more pretty!
20 @technohippy/angular-dart-phonecat Dart version of "AngularJS Phone Catalog Tutorial"
19 @geckotang/cssnite-lp32
19 @jmblog/color-themes-for-highlightjs Syntax highlighting color themes for highlight.js ↗️
19 @ljvmiranda921/ Github repository for website ✨ ↗️
19 @machida/nk-css
19 @onevcat/JekyllScroll JekyllScroll is a theme for Jekyll.
18 @fujimogn/middleman-bootstrap A simple Middleman starting point
18 @keiji/the-androidstudio-book How to setup Android Studio ↗️
18 @tortuvshin/intelligo-game Augmented reality game development repository - Art & Technology Tohoku 2018 contest
18 @totoraj930/dokaben-css アレ
18 @yang-wei/simplified Simple Octopress Theme ↗️
18 @yterajima/middleman-pure middleman-pure
17 @andyhall/cep-sample-extension アドビツールのHTML+Node.jsエクステンションの参考例
17 @azu/nodefest-technical-writing Node学園祭のスライド on GitBook ↗️
17 @putchom/vjtumblr VJ software using Tumblr API.
17 @taea/inuicon-rails Icon web font for Rails (used in
17 @yuku-t/qiita-notifications Keep up with Qiita, anywhere on the web. ↗️
16 @CaiJiJi/HaBoNet shodan
16 @matsubara0507/marp-themes Theme for Marp Next
16 @openameba/a11y-guidelines アメブロアクセシビリティガイドライン ↗️
16 @pocotan001/ptan-no-css
16 @sho-yamane/emojis-awesome Emoji CSS framework ↗️
16 @simurai/chameleon-ui A color shifting UI theme for Atom.
16 @yoshiko-pg/checksheetmaker プログラミング言語チェックシートメーカー
15 @azu/slide-what-is-ecmascript What is ECMAScript? ↗️
15 @clj-nakano/effective-programs-ja Summary of Rich Hickey's "Effective Programs" at Clojure/Conj 2017 in Japanese
15 @pepabo/pepagram A minimal Hologram theme for GMO Pepabo, Inc.
15 @yoshiko-pg/oreore_cal ATND,Connpass,Zusaarの予定をまとめて見られる、おれおれ勉強会カレンダー
15 @yuroyoro/golang_webapp_framework_samples ʕ  ゚皿゚ ʔ sample applications of various golang web-app frameworks
14 @codelibs/fess-site-search Fess Site Search provides JavaScript files. ↗️
14 @kami-zh/jquery.sidemenu.js The simplest side menu plugin. ↗️
14 @simurai/oak UI playground
14 @yosuke-furukawa/umlaut UML Previewer on electron
13 @jaicab/sass-ext The ext(); mixin sets a selector budget and controls duplicates on Sass' extend directive. ↗️
13 @muraken720/jeet-gulp A template gulp project for Jeet.
13 @onishi/xpathfeed generate feed from xpath
13 @r7kamura/cssdoc CSS styleguide generator
13 @simurai/chameleon-syntax A color shifting syntax theme for Atom.
13 @tokuhirom/MetaCPANExplorer
13 @tortuvshin/newsfeed Улс төрийн мэдээллийн сайт
13 @yui540/virtual-neet 『8人のバーチャルニートが集結。』 ↗️
13 @yyuu/ ↗️
12 @VishnuBaliga/SpikeTip Create effortless tooltips that breathe CSS! No Javascript. Just the good old CSS. ↗️
12 @agektmr/PortableCache Cache assets, reduce downloads, load faster.
12 @codeharuka/jekyll-materialize Sample Jekyll pages with the power of google material design guidelines
12 @craftzdog/gatsby-starter-ionic A Gatsby starter with Ionic added on top
12 @hoosin/easyBtn Helps you easily create buttons from links, buttons, and inputs. ↗️
12 @jaicab/ Product Designer Who Codes, a website ↗️
12 @koba04/react-handson-for-beginner A React Hands-on resources for beginners
12 @lit-kansai-members/music Life is Tech!な音楽をまとめた"非公式"リポジトリです! ↗️
12 @peaceiris/hugo-theme-iris Hugo IRIS Theme - Portfolio and Blog ↗️
12 @simurai/duotone-dark-forest-syntax A dark green-yellow DuoTone syntax theme ↗️
12 @terkel/ Stylesheets for
12 @terkel/ Stylesheets for
12 @ttskch/jekyll-tch-theme A simple and customizable theme for Jekyll. ↗️
12 @typester/ my personal website powered by org-mode and nextjs ↗️
11 @1000ch/grd-sass Sass port of 1000ch/grd that is a CSS grid framework using Flexbox. ↗️
11 @ellekasai/promo [Unmaintained]
11 @frandiox/OnsenUI-Meteor-ToDo Combining Onsen UI, React and Meteor
11 @hitode909/hatenablog-unofficial-modules ↗️
11 @iguchi1124/honoka-rails Mount Honoka on your Rails application!
11 @jamesknelson/numbat-ui
11 @kurisubrooks/glass 💻 javascript browser operating system ↗️
11 @leo-project/leofs_docs leofs_docs is the document for LeoFS which depends on Sphinx ↗️
11 @lepture/jekyll-vision A jekyll theme that once looked like my blog.
11 @lepture/liquidluck-theme-moment liquidluck default theme
11 @lepture/nico-one the one theme for nico
11 @mikankari/multireso Live Preview for Responsive
11 @miya0001/wp-mobile-app-example Example theme WordPress JSON Rest API
11 @negipo/cute-cursor
11 @philipperemy/ My blog. ↗️
11 @ryonakae/middleman-ganbaruzoi Boilerplate of Middleman
11 @sukeesh/flask-calendar Simple calendar app implemented in Python Flask framework
11 @tsq-me/web-admin 🐱 Webapp for based on Angular v2 ↗️
11 @tyabe/kaja the web site for RubyKaja.
11 @yuki540net/ChocolateCake yuki540のCSS Animation作品一覧サイト ↗️
10 @SachaG/gribbble
10 @dvcrn/ Source code for ↗️
10 @fumieval/apus
10 @lepture/color-patterns Colors that I love. ↗️
10 @ttskch/vuepress-theme-blog-vuetify 💥The world's most simple, beautiful and customizable 2 columns VuePress blog theme built with Vuetify ↗️
10 @yui540/c-toto 『CSSとアニメーションとカラフルパレット』
9 @b4b4r07/ 🗼 @babarot's blog ↗️
9 @creasty/css-better-practice Repo for "Clean and Unbreakable CSS" ↗️
9 @d-kusk/hugo-gentoo-theme Hugo theme ↗️
9 @feathericon/feathericon-sass feathericon Sass gem for use in Ruby/Rails projects
9 @freddiefujiwara/prisma
9 @fukayatsu/chrome-apps-bootstrap A sample Chrome App using Bootstrap and jQuery ↗️
9 @gengo/style-guide Gengo Style Guide ↗️
9 @hico-horiuchi/kakuzuke 格付: GitHub current streak runking of your followees by Golang & Mithril.js ↗️
9 @kazutan/RmdSite_tuto R MarkdownでWebサイトを作成するチュートリアル ↗️
9 @kenakamu/LINEBotDeveloperUtil LINE Bot Development Utilities
9 @maepon/wdnr-sem-sample 『現場のプロが教えるWeb制作の最新常識』発売記念イベント用サンプルプロジェクト
9 @manabuyasuda/stylesheet FLOCSS, OOCSS, BEM, Responsive, Sass Library.
9 @masuP9/display-wai-aria.css This CSS file displays WAI ARIA ( [role], [aria-*] ) ↗️
9 @milk-cocoa/fusen A Post-It Application. ↗️
9 @ryonakae/lovelivelog My Personal LoveLive! Log
9 @simurai/user-styles Customize your beloved websites
9 @yasslab/doorkeeper_sponsorship コミュニティ運営者向け「Doorkeeperスポンサーシップ」の詳細です (CC BY-SA) ↗️
9 @ykob/glsl-glitch it is test of glitch at WebGL fragment shader.
9 @yoshiko-pg/slides なにか発表したときのスライド
9 @yusukebe/Podder Cool and Easy standalone viewer of Perl codes, Pods, and Inao style Texts in local directory.
9 @zchee/Dash-Docset-JavaScript-ja MDN JavaScript Reference Japanese locale for Dash ↗️
8 @LISTEN-moe/chrome-extension Official Chrome extension
8 @Pitu/cozy-discord Some css tweaks to make Discord cozier on smol screens
8 @acomagu/simple-csweb The usercss to simplify CSWeb(For UoA students).
8 @arowM/elm-app-template
8 @azu/pdf-slide-html Generator cli for azu/slide-pdf.js.
8 @feathericon/feathericon-rails feathericon for Ruby on Rails
8 @frankdiox/OnsenUI-Meteor-ToDo Combining Onsen UI, React and Meteor
8 @fumiyas/qmail-book-ja 絶版書籍「qmailで作る快適メールサーバー」のオンライン版 ↗️
8 @geta6/glide markdown based slide generator
8 @gongo/table_beet Reference generator for turnip steps of existing. ↗️
8 @hail2u/node-edjo Convert CSS file into Every Declaration Just Once format.
8 @holidayworking/BBS Amon2 + Teng で作成した簡易BBS
8 @jaicab/progressiveenhancement A site for all things progressively enhanced ↗️
8 @jilljenn/madrobot La Faute à l'algo ↗️
8 @kawanet/OCSS OCSS - CSS Parser for iOS
8 @keijiro/ My personal page.
8 @kkosuge/gmo-common-header-killer GMO共通ヘッダーを非表示にするChrome拡張
8 @m2wasabi/pandoc-authoring-template Pandoc authoring template using Bootstrap
8 @mikankari/twttr4brackets Twitter client on Adobe Brackets
8 @okinawarb/meetups ↗️
8 @pepabo/product-ownership-study プロダクトオーナーシップ勉強会のリポジトリです ↗️
8 @pnlybubbles/sass-compile-time-raytracer Compile time raytracing on SASS 👻
8 @rameezrami/angular-6-starter-app Angular 6 Starter App
8 @snipsnipsnip/natto qiitahackathon03
8 @tacamy/rakuten-shipping 楽天市場 カンタン送料表示 Chrome拡張
8 @taea/middleman-quick-starter Middleman(v3), Heroku, Bootstrap, Sass(indented syntax), Haml, Font-awesome, ... and basic customized design modules
8 @tengyifei/gwtphp GWT RPC library ported to PHP. Based on the original GWTPHP library on Google Code.
8 @tgfjt/suitcss-components-starratings Components for Star-Ratings
8 @ukatama/dice3d Simple 3D dice roll animator by CSS3 Animation.
8 @yamasy1549/ZinkeN TeXを捨てて人権を得たい
8 @yosuke-furukawa/angular-koa
8 @zlq4863947/lightweight-charts-docs-cn 轻量图表(TradingView) 中文开发文档
7 @0918nobita/dark-forth 技術書典7で頒布した FORTH 言語入門書「DARK FORTH - Prologue」 ↗️
7 @5509/jq.ui.checks Checkboxes and radios get controls. ↗️
7 @Cside/dotfiles my config files
7 @Keats/vincentprouillet My website
7 @Olein-jp/od-base WordPress theme for developing on work of Olein Design
7 @Satoh-D/jquery-hovercap jQuery-Hovercap is the jQuery plugin that display caption overlays over images
7 @aswinshenoy/fosster Technical Blog by Ashwin Shenoy ↗️
7 @azu/landslide-theme landslide theme
7 @cidermitaina/yukari_birthday よしださん、お誕生日おめでとう!
7 @cocopon/atom-iceberg-syntax A dark blue color scheme for Atom, originally for Vim ↗️
7 @coliff/bootstrap-ie11 Internet Explorer 11 compatibility solution for Bootstrap 5 ↗️
7 @eqot/atom-broadcast Broadcast contents in Atom to browsers. ↗️
7 @foostan/enforcer Enforce tasks to consul cluster by attender notification
7 @fukamachi/hatenablog-theme-writer 物書きのためのブログテーマ「Writer」 for はてなブログ
7 @fumiyasac/rails-api-mode-sample [ING]Rails5でAPIモードでプロジェクトを作成した際のサンプル
7 @ixkaito/jekyll-api-boilerplate Jekyll API Boilerplate is a Jekyll starter project using a Jekyll Plugin gem "Jekyll Pages API" to generates a JSON file with data for all the Pages, Posts, Documents (i.e. "collections") and StaticFiles with a simple deployment to GitHub Pages. ↗️
7 @kazutan/bookdown_ja_template for bookdown starter kits for japanese.
7 @manabuyasuda/ITCSS This is stylesheet based on ITCSS and FLOCSS
7 @ngyuki/redmine_rouge redmine rouge syntax highlighter
7 @riaf/hexo-theme-metier Medium like theme for Hexo
7 @rnons/yesodbook-zh yesodbook中文翻译计划 ↗️
7 @sadiqevani/data-animate Its a data-* based animation selector, based on the following project for the animations
7 @shibuya-dev/ Place for devs and their communities based in Shibuya ↗️
7 @simurai/duotone-dark-earth-syntax A dark brown-orange DuoTone syntax theme ↗️
7 @simurai/duotone-dark-sky-syntax A dark blue-yellow DuoTone syntax theme for Atom ↗️
7 @tokuhirom/Sakaki The wiki, Git backend.
7 @totoraj930/10sec 10秒で止めるやつ
7 @tyoro/tyozo オレオレgyazoで出力された画像を一覧表示したり管理する。
7 @uzulla/y8-2017-spring 春ごろにやるやぱちー的なイベントのrepoです。
7 @webbingstudio/echo-css "echo" is CSS framework, built with consider CMS theming in East asian countries.
7 @y-ken/package My public rpm packages. It is available to use for CentOS5/6 (64bit) ↗️
7 @ykob/glsl-school-2016 2016年10月開講の短期集中GLSLスクールに関するレポートと、講習を受けて作成したデモを置いています。
7 @yusukebe/App-mookview View Markdown texts as a "Mook-Book"
6 @CodeHaruka/jekyll-materialize Jekyll static page generator with materializecss
6 @DenisKolodin/exonum-exchange-workshop Exchange Demo built with Exonum + WebAssembly
6 @GreenMeteor/humhub-githum-theme GitHum is a HumHub theme
6 @Keats/after-dark
6 @Keats/book Gitbook theme for Gutenberg
6 @NdYAG/sass-pattern Utilities for quick Sass development
6 @ProgrameLife/ManimumCD ManimumCD是用 core来构建一套对 core的Continuous deployment系统,尽量做到简单,再简单。
6 @aike/unity_tutorial
6 @dealforest/ratchet-rails
6 @doljko/tour
6 @dvcrn/proton-bin binary for proton. Issues and PRs to please!
6 @enukane/c86book Comicket 86 (2014 summer) で出した「キャプチャリング802.11」の原稿データ
6 @frontainer/frontnote-template StyleGuideジェネレーターFrontNoteのデフォルトテンプレート
6 @funnythingz/jcflick iPhone, Android, iPad, Android3 タブレットなどのスマートフォン端末で、コンテンツをフリックできるようにするjQueryプラグインです。レスポンシブ対応しています。 ↗️
6 @githayu/nicovideo-material-watch ニコニコ動画をマテリアルデザインっぽくする ↗️
6 @hisasann/middleman-browserify-gulp-boilerplate This boilerplate can make a multi-language Web applications to use the middlen. In addition, we are disposed so as not to hit the ES6 (6to5ify), browserify, gulp, Sass on the architecture of the middleman.
6 @hoosin/TencentEnterpriseMail Tencent Enterprise Mail third-party login template ↗️
6 @increments/stylelint-config-qiita Qiita config for stylelint
6 @is8r/spuit A Sass Mixin Library from is8r to is8r
6 @kaiinui/appledoc-template-jazzy Brings to appledoc the look & feel of Apple’s official reference documentation, post WWDC 2014.
6 @kidjp85/webpack-react-redux-simple-stater Webpack-react-redux-simple stater will help you build new React projects using modern technologies like React, Redux, Webpack, Es6..etc
6 @kyoyo/ecshop 用django实现的web商城
6 @local-students/ ↗️
6 @moutend/jlyhgg Learn You a Haskell for Great Good Japanese Edition
6 @nekobato/GyazzAC GyazzA(C) Slide Bookmarklet
6 @nhim175/coders-tokyo-web - Cộng đồng học lập trình miễn phí
6 @ogom/crione Crione is GR-CITRUS GUI client.
6 @okinawarb/okrk01 沖縄Ruby会議01 公式ウェブサイト ↗️
6 @rosylilly/middleman-webpack
6 @ryonakae/tumblr-dncngrl Tumblr theme of Dancing GIrl. ↗️
6 @simonced/css
6 @sotayamashita/psg-theme-sassline Sassline theme for postcss-style-guide
6 @tsuyoshiwada/lime-grid.css Powerful Flexbox based Grid System for modern browsers. ↗️
6 @ykob/demofiles it is my basic files for three.js demo.
6 @ykob/gulpfile The asset to develop a website with Gulp.
6 @ykob/particle-picture drawing a picture with particles and move it. ↗️
6 @yuki540net/
5 @59naga/edgy-comment-viewer ElectronApp: comment viewer for pixel artist
5 @Hironsan/ChatDeTornado
5 @Keats/even A clean theme for Gutenberg
5 @Mazyod/ Developer's blog. Elixir, Phoenix, Game development, Swift, Unity, and rants. Check it out! ↗️
5 @baijunjie/less-lib 自用Less库
5 @concrete5japan/sakan Free open source base theme package for concrete5.7
5 @enukane/c88-harvey-os-book C88で発行した「Harvey OS 読本」の文章データ ↗️
5 @gaaamii/nekobito browser-based markdown editor. ↗️
5 @gaspanik/jbootstrap Modify some typesetting version.
5 @griffin-stewie/asciidoctor-preview Show a HTML preview for the AsciiDoc content by Asciidoctor in the Atom Editor ↗️
5 @hail2u/scss-functions Drop-in but useless SCSS functions.
5 @hiloki/su-shi SUSHI by Polymer ↗️
5 @hirofumii/hexo-theme-amp A simple and mobile first Hexo template on AMP ⚡ HTML. ↗️
5 @htanjo/githubish.css Tiny CSS for GitHub-ish Markdown styles ↗️
5 @huydx/scalresume build your beautiful resume using markdown
5 @iheno/tourip Personal Project Trip for Japan
5 @increments/atom-qiita-ui Qiita UI for Atom
5 @kaizenplatform/kaizen-ui-colors Sass variables for Kaizen Platform UI colors ↗️
5 @katabame/Legacy_Browser_Blocker Block IE / Edge ↗️
5 @kubosho/review-boilerplate 📘 Re:VIEWを使った執筆を始めるためのboilerplate
5 @kurokoji/Hazuki アイドルマスターシャイニーカラーズの専用ブラウザ
5 @manabuyasuda/dorcss DORCSS(ドールシーエスエス)はRole(役割)を分担・分割(Division)することで影響範囲を管理する、CSS設計の構成案です。
5 @megane9988/wp-d wp-d Repository ↗️
5 @metheno/kibou_old This version of Kibou is no longer supported.
5 @mmizutani/userstyles-safari-books-online Eye-friendly font & dark styles for Safari Books Online
5 @mohemohe/slack-like-mastodon Mastodon <3 Slack ↗️
5 @morishitter/sketch.css Sketch is a CSS framework, it makes Web designing more fun.
5 @mura-/kintone-spreadsheet kintoneの一覧画面をExcelのようなスプレッドシートの見た目で閲覧、編集ができます。
5 @myakura/tillandsia A Sass mixin for CSS linear gradients.
5 @naoya/mh4sim Monster Hunter 4 Item Simulator (Just Demo for AngularJS)
5 @nekokak/p5-Idiot p5-Kamui sample no paste! ↗️
5 @p-chan/INARI 🏮 INARI is simple and cool blog system.
5 @philopon/purescript-todomvc purescript clone of elm-todomvc ↗️
5 @rbmrclo/plum Plum is a CSS toolkit that is optimized for perfect typography with a fluid grid system.
5 @rubykansai/kansai2017 関西Ruby会議2017 ↗️
5 @sadiqevani/sonal (Per)sonal Grid System. An OOCSS Grid/Framework with Fixed, Fixed-Fluid and Fluid Layout.
5 @sakuramochi0/prichan-stylesheet YouTube や Twitter や TweetDeck をプリ☆チャンにプリティーリメイクするスタイルシート ↗️
5 @sho-yamane/gild-rest
5 @sinmetal/angularjs-sample
5 @tyabe/kaja-nomination WEB applications for voting RubyKaja
5 @viirya/moedict-web 萌典 Web Client 與 REST API (MoeDict Web Client and REST API)
5 @yacchin1205/jupyter-for-infrastructure Jupyter container for Literate Computing for Reproducible Infrastructure on Docker
5 @yusugomori/CSS-Font CSS Font is an open-source font. Each letter is written by one
element and css.
5 @yusukebe/FMTube Listen and watch YouTube videos with recommendations from ↗️
5 @yutannihilation/allYourFigureAreBelongToUs ↗️
5 @yuuki/Monitorel A Web API providing server performance metrics graphs
4 @1000ch/node-asterisk CSS document generator. ↗️
4 @5t111111/middleman-blog-bourbon-template
4 @7kaji/practice_social_coding
4 @BcRikko/NES.css-proposal Proposal of NES.css@3.x ↗️
4 @JakeJP/FlashAirList FlashAir List.htm responsive alternative
4 @Kazuma/sparkly 沖縄で星空撮影するための情報 ↗️
4 @Keats/pelican-hyde Port of to Pelican with slight changes
4 @NunetInc/redmine_nu_mobile_viewer Mobile UI for Redmine ↗️
4 @Olein-jp/oleinpress Original WordPress theme
4 @Ritvik1512/AngArduino Angular with Arduino. It's a pain.
4 @a-know/yukizuri Yukizuri is a real-time chat service which conversation log is not left.
4 @abalone0204/ This is my blog! ↗️
4 @aiya000/book-setulab-template 「せつラボ」シリーズの初期環境
4 @anharu2394/lib-log
4 @azu/markdown-review-tool Markdown review tool
4 @bannzai/orecon-unity-ar-muscle 俺コンの発表資料
4 @coliff/bootstrap-show-password-toggle A show password as text toggle for Bootstrap forms
4 @cotoami/cotoami-scraper Cotoami Scraper is a Chrome Extension that scrapes web pages to generate inputs for Cotoami knowledge-bases.
4 @dwightjack/ My personal website ↗️
4 @ericmuyser/dogeify When Doge takes over the web ↗️
4 @fkei/mjson-server You can run the mjson via a browser.
4 @funnythingz/responsive メディアクエリー(MediaQueries)で実装した、スマフォ対応、HTML5ワンソースマルチデバイステンプレートを公開しています。 ↗️
4 @gaspanik/harpbase Harp single page template sample.
4 @hackerkid/blog 🌀 Source code of my blog ↗️
4 @hail2u/scss-column-equation Generate variables for creating CSS column definition, the Sassy way. ↗️
4 @haniwaman/template0 HTMLコーディングする時にベースとするテンプレート
4 @hirokiky/weiwei A reader-friendly Wiki engine.
4 @hokaccha/atom-sonots
4 @inokappa/study_memo
4 @katabame/BetterMisskeyDeck An user css to improve MisskeyDeck
4 @katabame/flatie flatie is theme for discord
4 @katabame/ kawaii flat card design ↗️
4 @kazutan/kazutanR ↗️
4 @kenz/9patch2fire 9patch2fireはAndroidの9patchを出力するためのFireworksスクリプトです。
4 @kfug/frontconf2016 ↗️
4 @kiaking/ Official blog site of Kia King Ishii ↗️
4 @kojika17/fawn
4 @komagata/docs-komagata-org My blog. ↗️
4 @krug/ The website of Kerala Ruby Users Group
4 @makotot/scss-lint-example scss-lint
4 @miyacorata/Aschenputtel モバマスPのためのモバマスブラウザ
4 @mmasaki/andon Role base metrics collection, visualization, testing
4 @morishitter/psg-theme-forest 'Forest': Theme of postcss-style-guide
4 @mottox2/gatsby-contentful-blog Sample Project for Gatsby Guidebook
4 @mottox2/gatsby-guidebook-support 「GatsbyJS Guidebook」のサポートリポジトリです
4 @naoina/vocanew vocanew ↗️
4 @naoto/cinemastar Local Video Server
4 @naoya/
4 @noraesae/tumblr-theme Tumblr theme for me. ↗️
4 @nseg-jp/w Web サイトと Wiki
4 @numa08/ Coding de night.それはプログラマの息吹
4 @openameba/ameba-color-palette.css 🎨 Ameba Color Palette.
4 @p1ch-jp/INARI 🏮 INARI is simple and cool blog system.
4 @pine/jenkins-Minamike 👪 Minamike style Jenkins theme ↗️
4 @quipper/ Quipper Tech Team Blog ↗️
4 @rakuishi/ Since Aug 25, 2011 ↗️
4 @rbmrclo/vex_rails A ruby gem of vex for your rails asset pipeline
4 @ritvik1512/AngArduino Angular with Arduino. It's a pain.
4 @ryuzee/open-slideshare-desktopapp Desktop app for OpenSlideshare (Experimental)
4 @sanographix/maki A Lightweight LESS Boilerplate ↗️
4 @sideroad/koiki-ui Unit of Koiki React Components ↗️
4 @sreecodeslayer/todo-flask A simple todo app to learn Python Web development micro framework and also CRUD operations, Login/Signup User account handling
4 @subuta/hexo-jade-sass-barebone Barebone theme for Hexo implemented with Jade and Sass.
4 @t9md/vim-learn
4 @tacamy/atom-multiline-tab Tab plugin on Atom. When many tabs are opened, it will automatically wrap into multiple lines. ↗️
4 @takanakahiko/ home page ↗️
4 @tejitak/js-library-map JS Library Map - A Visualization of Modern & Popular JavaScript Libraries ↗️
4 @torounit/torounit2015
4 @tyoshikawa1106/lightning-navigation-bar Lightning Component Sample Pack
4 @tyoshikawa1106/node-jsforce-starter-app Node × JSforce Sample Application
4 @utatti/tumblr-theme Tumblr theme for me. ↗️
4 @visualive/vavg 簡単なコマンドを実行するだけで、WordPress の仮想環境 (VCCW) と Gulp (Scss のコンパイルや BrowserSync など) 環境を整えることができます。
4 @xtetsuji/modperlbook-ja 「Practical mod_perl」日本語翻訳プロジェクト
4 @ykob/components they are components what can be used general purpose on website. ↗️
4 @ykob/new-year-2017 2016年はたいへんお世話になりました。2017年もよろしくおねがいします。 ↗️
4 @yoshikyoto/text ↗️
4 @yoshitsugu/rusty_wiki Wiki implemented by Rust (both client-side and server-side).
4 @yusukebe/Aoi Web App for sharing, stocking, and finding our plain/markdown texts
4 @yusukebe/Daramen ラーメン画像をひたすらダラダラ見るWebアプリ
4 @yusukebe/Nopaste Nopaste application making with Mojolicious.
4 @zaki-yama/reveal.js-template reveal.jsでスライドを作るときのテンプレート
3 @1000ch/atom-vtab Verticalize tabs on Atom. ↗️
3 @1000ch/brushup-sample Introduction to html/css/js lint tools.
3 @GenbuHase/LiT-Summer2018 Life is Tech! Summer Camp in 2018@立教大学5days [8/11 - 8/15]での出展作品 ↗️
3 @HiroKws/LaraFun
3 @JohannesFischer/my-fabulous-ss-login An alternative SilverStripe login page layout
3 @MaxMEllon/GithubSignature 💳 Signature of Github with react
3 @Rokt33r/emoji-magic-box (WIP) Dead-simple toolkit to build emoji stuff
3 @Taishi-Y/Taishi-Y.github.io2 This is my resume and portfolio. ↗️
3 @Takumi0901/utility-style
3 @Tedko/OtakuFonts 图标字体,提供宅向 App、网站的徽标 SVG 源文件。
3 @YoheiNishi/grooweb-scss-smacss-bem
3 @abalone0204/Suku with React and webpack, you can test your front-end component..super easy
3 @akisaarinen/ Sources for ↗️
3 @appleple/lite-editor-emoji-picker-plugin Emoji Picker plugin for Lite Editor
3 @asonas/lt-timer extream hackathon
3 @briandeheus/mixedpanel A CSS Theme loosely inspired on the Mixpanel UI.
3 @cesare/github-nyan
3 @cjwirth/ Just another github jekyll blog ↗️
3 @coderdojo-okinawa/ A official website for CoderDojo Okinawa
3 @cognitom/presentation-cmu12
3 @daiiz/SimpleWebPage [LAB] Project SWP ↗️
3 @daiiz/svg-screenshot-client Electron App for daiz713/svg-screenshot
3 @deeeki/sandbox [Script] prototypes, tiny snippets and spike codes
3 @designless/web_designless_2015
3 @dim0627/flatten Octopress theme[flatten]
3 @directions4/foundation-nunjucks front-end development kit for use with Foundation for Sites.
3 @dogrunjp/gomi-cal 可燃ゴミ・カンビンゴミの回収日をカレンダー形式に変換するGAE/Pのサービスです。
3 @editorstyles/ Scaffold styles and variables for markdown, WordPress entry content, etc. ↗️
3 @ellekasai/mp3-player Elle's MP3 Player ↗️
3 @enukane/c85book C85発行「マスタリング802.11 on 9 : +無線LAN的なあれこれ」を入れておく場所
3 @gatespace/iemotof5 ↗️
3 @gosyujin/ はてなダイアリーからGitHub Pagesへ移行 ↗️
3 @hackerkid/ 🌀 Source code of my website and blog ↗️
3 @hbsnow/website 🏠 My Website ↗️
3 @hideki-a/generator-skyward Yeoman generator for scaffolding out a website.
3 @hideokamoto/react-serverless-dashboard
3 @hiroqn/css-art-street
3 @hissy/c5_theme_development_tutorial Step by step concrete5 theme development tutorial
3 @hoosin/react-short-password React 短密组件
3 @jaicab/ Search engine for cheap places to get drunk
3 @jaws-ug-kanazawa/ Page of JAWS-UG Kanazawa. ↗️
3 @jrmadsen67/ GitHub pages
3 @kaiinui/droidgems An awesome libraries for Android development.
3 @kamipo/talks
3 @kazu69/h2o_mruby_playground h2o_mruby build Docker
3 @kenjiskywalker/p5-Zabbix-Senrigan
3 @kfug/grand-frontend-osaka GRAND FRONT_END OSAKA のイベントシリーズのデータ
3 @konitter/ REFLECTDESIGN ↗️
3 @kurisubrooks/noutify 🎇 Android N Browser Notifications (design) — ↗️
3 @kyanny/shibuyarblunch Archive of #shibuyarblunch ↗️
3 @lepture/email-howto How to write email templates in practice.
3 @lestrrat/ Nothing to see here yet
3 @mattn/ ↗️
3 @migrs/ My web site :) ↗️
3 @mike-north/seo-workshop 👨‍🏫 Mike's Modern SEO Course ↗️
3 @minodisk/blog
3 @miyacorata/imas-css Stylesheet like THE IDOLM@STER Series.
3 @mokomoka/portfolio my portfolio page
3 @morishitter/normalize.styl Stylus port of normalize.css v3.0.3
3 @naokomc/wp-theme-workshop Files for WordPress theme workshop.
3 @nasum/twish twitter client
3 @nazomikan/mandelbrot
3 @nazomikan/ninja-claus You will distribute presents to the children become Santa Claus(Ninja Claus). Sometimes, You would be fight with rivals.
3 @neutronest/hexo-pluskid-theme A hexo theme that follow the style of pluskid's blog
3 @neutronest/owiki a light-weight wiki system for personal knowledge management
3 @nineties/NLP-seminar
3 @nishigori/stylish-jenkins-template Stylish Jenkins Template ↗️
3 @nithinbekal/chatter A chat application example using Elixir and Phoenix ↗️
3 @ounziw/
3 @pepabo/nachiguro SUZURI CSS Framework ↗️
3 @rakuishi/jquery-hash-magic The jQuery plugin for changing hash when manually scrolled. ↗️
3 @raryosu/djangoblog Djangoを用いた簡易ブログシステム構築(自発的学習科目)
3 @rhysd/ My landing page ↗️
3 @rodellira/ Personal Portfolio ↗️
3 @ruby/ The website for RubySpec. ↗️
3 @runexec/WordyBirdy Client-side Visual English Language Analysis.
3 @sairoutine/
3 @sakebook/mock-hermes-watch Fitbit Clock Face like a Apple Watch Hermès
3 @sanographix/
3 @sanographix/tumblr-theme-garden ↗️
3 @satococoa/ ↗️
3 @shibukawa/logviewer local fluentd log viewer by using grep
3 @shoito/search-nico-js niconico API Client Library for JavaScript - unofficial
3 @sideroad/floras ↗️
3 @sijovijayan/SSL-pinning-with-ionic-cordova-example Simple Ionic3 example application which using SSL Pinning for HTTPS connection ( cordova-plugin-advanced-http )
3 @simurai/digit-info Demo showing how you can change color, size and spacing of the Digit components. ↗️
3 @smellman/railstilemap
3 @soundTricker/cloud-former-visualizer Visualize a cloud former json file.
3 @spring-raining/tbf07-draft Vivliostyleで本を作ろう Vol.2
3 @sreecodeslayer/sanic_todo Todo Application using Python's Asyncio framework
3 @sugyan/classifier-sample
3 @suzuki-shin/kelmote Slide maker
3 @suzukima/css-ja This repository is Japanese translations of W3C CSS specification. ↗️
3 @taiju/website_base Web制作の基本セット ↗️
3 @tokuhirom/CPANDiff
3 @trkw/old-me ℹ️ Hello! My name is... ↗️
3 @tsuyoshiwada/gulp-babel-boilerplate
3 @tuatmcc/MCCMMANCC2016
3 @unasuke/blog blog powered by middleman ↗️
3 @unasuke/n0h0 joke.
3 @uraway/react-markdown-editor React + Electron = Markdown Editor ↗️
3 @webbingstudio/cms-theme-logical_jp 「logical_jp」は、日本の小・中規模のコーポレートサイトに最も適したデザイン・構成になるよう制作したテーマです。
3 @webbingstudio/mt_theme_echo_bootstrap Movable Type用テーマ「echo Bootstrap」
3 @yamkazu/jggug-web-api の資料です
3 @ysakasin/ The repository links for fighter of KOSEN PROCON. ↗️
3 @yusuke/shakuyosho 借用証ジェネレータ
3 @yusukebe/Saki glue for web applications