This File contains steps/Scripts to run jenkins cicd.
- This repo contains cloudformation template namedec2.yml. We run following CLI Command to create stack
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name dev-bastion-host --template-file 'ec2.yml' --parameter-overrides EnvironmentName=dev
After successful creation of stack ssh to public ec2 and private ec2. configure jenkins server, ansible server and docker server on public ec2.
Install Publish-over-ssh plugin in jenkins.
Add jenkins server in jenkins Manage jenkins--> configure system--> ssh server--> add --> Enter HostName, User, Password of jenkins server
Add Ansible server in jenkins Manage Jenkins--> configure system--> ssh server--> add --> Enter Hostname, user, password of ansible server
Integrate GitHub Repository with Jenkins Go into Repository in GitHub --> settings -->Webhook --> add Webhook--> add url of jenkins server-->add token--> add webhook.
Go to Jenkins to create job New Item--> Freestyle job-->Save--> Add git url in SCM --> In Build select send file or Execute command over ssh--> select jenkins server--> Add command in Exec command rsync -avh /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/jenkins-cicd/Dockerfile ec2-user@
Now in Build select send file or Execute command over ssh--> select ansible server--> Add command in Exec command cd /opt docker build -t Server . docker tag server:v1 suhasw91/server:v1 docker push suhasw91/server:v1
First create sourcecode folder in /opt and put playbook in it. In Post Build Actions ssh server --> select ansible server--> add command in Exec command ansible-playbook /sourcecode/docker.yml
Click on Build Now