Yarn is a speech assistant written in python with hard-coded features.
Serial No. | Name | Description |
1 | Open Google | Opens https://google.com/ in your default browser. |
2 | Open YouTube | Opens https://youtube.com/ in your default browser. |
3 | Time | Tells the current time. |
4 | Joke | Tells a random joke. |
5 | Search on Google | Search anything on Google. |
6 | Search on YouTube | Search anything on YouTube. |
7 | Play on YouTube | Play any YouTube video by saying it's title. |
8 | Wikipedia | Get any piece of information available on Wikipedia. |
9 | News | Tells the current headlines. |
10 | Weather | Tell the current weather forecast. |
11 | Air Quality | Tells the air quality index of your region. |
12 | Play a song | Play any song available on YouTube. |
13 | Advice | Let the bot give you some advice. |
14 | Quote | Start your day with a beautiful quote. |
15 | Send a WhatsApp message. | |
16 | Send an email to anyone. | |
17 | Password | Generate a random password. |
18 | Alarm | Set an Alarm within Yarn. |
19 | Rock, Paper and Scissors | Play a game of rock, paper and scissors with Yarn. |
20 | Guess the Pokemon | Try guessing a Pokemon just with the silhouette. |
21 | Guess the Number | Guess the number chosen by Yarn. |
22 | Lie Catcher | Tell, if the statement given by Yarn is Truth or lie? |
23 | Trivia | Play a simple game of trivia. |
24 | ChatBot | Chat with Yarn through Voice. |
25 | Help | Open's this page in your default browser. |
26 | Shutdown | Shutdown Yarn. |