This code is based on the Triton attention tutorial.
Could be useful if you are looking for
- Triton version of flash attention
- Flash attention w/ trainable bias feature
Note : bias of O(MN) should be materialized
Things that could be added in the future...
- FP8 precision support
- Hopper-specialized implementation (e.g., Flash Attention 3)
Welcome the community's contributions!
flash_attention_fn(q, k, v, bias=None, causal=False, sm_scale=None):
B : batch size
M : # of query tokens
N : # of kv tokens
H : # of heads
D : head dimension
q : (B, M, H, D)
k, v : (B, N, H, D)
bias : (B, H, M, N)
if bias.dtype == bool :
ignore attention scores for False
if bias.dtype == float:
added to QK before softmax (i.e., softmax(QK + bias))
out : (B, M, H, D)
flash_attention_qkvpacked_fn(qkv, bias=None, causal=False, sm_scale=None):
B : batch size
H : # of heads
D : head dimension
qkv : (B, seqlen, 3, H, D)
bias : (B, H, seqlen, seqlen)
if bias.dtype == bool :
ignore attention scores for False
if bias.dtype == float:
added to QK before softmax (i.e., softmax(QK + bias))
out : (B, M, H, D)