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GIS SSDI Data input formats and derivatives

Nick Budak edited this page Feb 15, 2024 · 4 revisions




Resource (1): object Label: Data

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
layer.shp application/vnd.shp Master geometry for shapefile, required
layer.shx application/vnd.shx Master offsets for shapefile, required
layer.dbf application/vnd.dbf Master feature table for shapefile, required
layer.sbn binary Master spatial index, optional
layer.sbx binary Master spatial index, optional
layer.prj text/plain Master defines projection, optional
layer.cpg text/plain Master defines encoding, optional
index_map.geojson application/geo+json Master index map, optional


Resource (2): object Label: Metadata

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
layer.shp.xml application/xml Master metadata in ESRI ArcCatalog format
layer-iso19139.xml application/xml Derivative metadata in ISO 19139 format
layer-iso19110.xml application/xml Derivative feature table in ISO 19110 format
layer-fgdc.xml application/xml Derivative metadata in FGDC format


Resource (3): preview Label: Preview

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
prevew.jpg image/jpeg Master can generate automatically



Resource (1): object Label: Data

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
layer.geojson application/geo+json Master required


Resource (2): object Label: Metadata

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
layer.geojson.xml application/xml Master metadata in ESRI ArcCatalog format
layer-iso19139.xml application/xml Derivative metadata in ISO 19139 format
layer-iso19110.xml application/xml Derivative feature table in ISO 19110 format
layer-fgdc.xml application/xml Derivative metadata in FGDC format


Resource (3): preview Label: Preview

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
prevew.jpg image/jpeg Master can generate automatically




Resource (1): object Label: Data

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
layer.tif image/tiff Master raster data, required
layer.tfw text/plain Master world file, optional
layer.prj text/plain Master defines projection, optional
layer.ovr binary Master pyramid layers, optional
layer.rrd binary Master pyramid layers, optional
layer.tif.vat.dbf binary Master value attribute table, optional
layer.tif.vat.cpg text/plain Master defines encoding for value attribute table, optional
layer.aux binary Master auxiliary statistics, optional
layer.aux.xml application/xml Master auxiliary statistics, optional


Resource (2): object Label: Metadata

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
layer.tif.xml application/xml Master metadata in ESRI ArcCatalog format
layer-iso19139.xml application/xml Derivative metadata in ISO 19139 format
layer-fgdc.xml application/xml Derivative metadata in FGDC format


Resource (3): preview Label: Preview

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
prevew.jpg image/jpeg Master can generate automatically



Resource (1): object Label: Data

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
layer.tif image/tiff Master required


Resource (2): object Label: Metadata

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
layer.tif.xml application/xml Master metadata in ESRI ArcCatalog format
layer-iso19139.xml application/xml Derivative metadata in ISO 19139 format
layer-fgdc.xml application/xml Derivative metadata in FGDC format


Resource (3): preview Label: Preview

file name type role publish shelve preserve notes
prevew.jpg image/jpeg Master can generate automatically