When making duplicate auctions, we need to make simlinks to the original uploads folder.
Use the create-simlinks.sh
to create them. Args.:
- ID of the original auction.
- ID of the first cloned auction. Usually named #2.
- Total number of item auctions. Usually the index of the last duplicated item.
E.g., cd uploaded && bash create-simlinks.sh 600 700 5
will create 4 simlinks:
- 700 -> 600
- 701 -> 600
- 702 -> 600
- 703 -> 600
- Go to phpmyadmin
- Run query
- select export and confirm
Query (modify date):
FROM `webid_auctions`
left join webid_bids on webid_auctions.current_bid_id = webid_bids.id
left join webid_users on webid_bids.bidder = webid_users.id
where webid_auctions.ends < '2024-08-22';