This project is a template for React-Typescript Projects with Webpack 5, redux, i18n, i18n-parser and routing.
If you don't need redux, i18n, i18n-parser and routing, you can use
This project is started from
- React (18)
- Redux-Toolkit
- Webpack (5)
- Typescript (4)
- Hot Module Replacement (HMR) + Hot Reload
- Image support (Asset Modules)
- css-loader and sass-loader
- Testing with Jest and react-testing-library
- Eslint and prettier config
- Routing is supported with react-router-dom 6
- Localization through react-i18next
- Translation Parser i18next-parser
- Provides build configurations for development and production with Webpack 5
- Hot Module Replacement (HMR) and Hot Reload are supported
- Typescript
- Eslint and prettier
- Routing
- Store
- i18n keys can be extracted into JSON files with a command
- i18n keys are typed safe
- Css and scss
- Provides testing with jest and react-testing-lbrary
In the project, search for TODO and modify them. Some files are added as an example.