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This package is a wrapper around [Frappe-React] and [IndexedDB] to provide a simple way to cache data from Frappe in the browser. The default database name is frappe-react-indexdb and the default version is 1. The package also provides a way to sync data from Frappe to IndexDB.

Fetch Documents and store in IndexedDB

The useFrappeGetDocOffline hook can be used to fetch documents from Frappe, store them in IndexedDB and sync the data.The hook uses useFrappeGetDocOffline under the hook and it's configuration can be passed to it.


No. Variable type Required Description
1. doctype string Name of the doctype
2. docname string Name of the document
3. databaseName string - Name of database
4. version number - Version of database
export const MyDocumentDataOffline = () => {
  const { data, error, isLoading, isValidating, mutate } =
      /*** Database Name [Optional]***/ 'my-database',
      /*** Database Version [Optional]***/ 1

  if (isLoading) {
    return <>Loading</>;
  if (error) {
    return <>{JSON.stringify(error)}</>;
  if (data) {
    return (
        <button onClick={() => mutate()}>Reload</button>
  return null;
See Explnation (click to expand):

The useFrappeGetDocOffline hook is used for fetching, storing, and syncing a document in IndexedDB. It takes in four parameters: doctype, name, databaseName, and version. The doctype parameter is the doctype of the document to be fetched, the name parameter is the name of the document, databaseName is an optional parameter for the name of the database to use, and version is an optional parameter for the version of the database to be used.

The hook returns an object (SWRResponse) with the following properties: data, error, isLoading, isValidating, and mutate. The type of the document to fetch is passed as a type parameter T.

The hook first checks if the data is in IndexedDB. If the data is present, it proceeds to check for the latest timestamp. If the data is not present, it set shouldLoad to true. The hook uses the useGetLastFetched hook to check the last fetched data in IndexedDB.

If data is in IndexDB then it checks for last fetched timestamp, if the last fetched timestamp is different from the timestamp fetched from the Frappe server, the hook sets a state variable shouldLoad to true.

If shouldLoad is true then proceeds to fetch data from the server using the useFrappeGetDocList hook.

The hook also stores the data in IndexedDB if it is fetched from the server. The hook also has a forceRefresh function which, when called, refetches the data from the server.

Overall the hook uses IndexedDB and server to fetch the latest data and store it for offline use case. It also provides a way to force refresh the data.

Fetch list of documents and store in IndexedDB

The useFrappeGetListOffline hook can be used to fetch list of documents from Frappe, store them in IndexedDB and sync the data.The hook uses useFrappeGetListOffline under the hook and it's configuration can be passed to it.


No. Variable type Required Description
1. doctype string Name of the doctype
2. args GetDocListArgs - optional parameter (object) to sort, filter, paginate and select the fields that you want to fetch.
3. databaseName string - Database Name
3. version number - Database Version
export const MyDocumentListOffline = () => {
  const { data, error, isLoading, isValidating, mutate } =
        /** Fields to be fetched - Optional */
        fields: ['name', 'creation'],
        /** Filters to be applied - SQL AND operation */
        filters: [['creation', '>', '2021-10-09']],
        /** Filters to be applied - SQL OR operation */
        orFilters: [],
        /** Fetch from nth document in filtered and sorted list. Used for pagination  */
        limit_start: 5,
        /** Number of documents to be fetched. Default is 20  */
        limit: 10,
        /** Sort results by field and order  */
        orderBy: {
          field: 'creation',
          order: 'desc',
        /** Fetch documents as a dictionary */
        asDict: false,
      /** Database Name - Optional **/

        /** Version - Optional **/

  if (isLoading) {
    return <>Loading</>;
  if (error) {
    return <>{JSON.stringify(error)}</>;
  if (data) {
    return (
        <button onClick={() => mutate()}>Reload</button>
  return null;
See Explnation (click to expand):

The useFrappeGetDocListOffline hook is used for fetching, storing, and syncing a list of documents in IndexedDB. It takes in four parameters: doctype, args, databaseName, and version. The doctype parameter is the name of the doctype to fetch, the args parameter is an object that contains the arguments to pass (filters, pagination, etc), databaseName is an optional parameter for the name of the database to use, and version is an optional parameter for the version of the database to be used.

The hook returns an object (SWRResponse) with the following properties: data, error, isLoading, isValidating, and mutate. The type definition of the document object to fetch is passed as a type parameter T.

The hook first checks if the data is in IndexedDB. If the data is not present, it set shouldLoad to true. If the data is present, it proceeds to check for the latest count, it fetches the count from the Frappe server for comparison. The hook uses the useGetLastFetched hook to check the last fetched data in IndexedDB.

If the last fetched count is different from the count fetched from the Frappe server, it set shouldLoad to true. If same then the hook fetch timestamp from frappe for document for comparison.

If the last fetched timestamp is different from the timestamp fetched from the Frappe server, the hook sets a state variable shouldLoad to true.

If shouldLoad is true then proceeds to fetch data from the server using the useFrappeGetDocList hook.

The hook also stores the data in IndexedDB if it is fetched from the server. The hook also has a mutate function which, when called, refetches the data from the server.

Overall the hook uses IndexedDB and server to fetch the latest data and store it for offline use case. It also provides a way to force refresh the data.

Type declarations are available for the second argument and will be shown to you in your code editor.

Get API Call and store in IndexedDB

The useFrappeGetCallOffline hook can be used to fetch data from Frappe, store them in IndexedDB and sync the data.The hook uses useFrappeGetCall under the hook and it's configuration can be passed to it. lastModified is the Date of the last time when data was updated in the database related to that method. We can mutate() the hook to sync the data from Frappe to IndexedDB base on our condition or we can pass Date when any document get updated related to method.


No. Variable type Required Description
1. method string Name of the method
2. param Record<string,any> Name of the document
3. lastModified string|Date - Date of last modified
4. databaseName string - Name of database
5. version number - Version of database
export const MyDocumentDataOffline = () => {
  const { data, error, isLoading, isValidating, mutate } =
        doctype: 'User',
        filters: [['creation', '>', '2021-10-09']],
      /*** Last Modified Date [Optional]***/ '2021-10-09',
      /*** Database Name [Optional]***/ 'my-database',
      /*** Database Version [Optional]***/ 1

  if (isLoading) {
    return <>Loading</>;
  if (error) {
    return <>{JSON.stringify(error)}</>;
  if (data) {
    return (
        <button onClick={() => mutate()}>Reload</button>
  return null;
See Explnation (click to expand):

The useFrappeGetCallOffline hook is used for fetching, storing, and syncing data from IndexedDB for the "Get Call" method. It takes in five parameters: method, params, lastModified, databaseName, and version. The method parameter is the name of the method to call (will be dotted path e.g. "frappe.client.get_list"), the params parameter is an optional object that contains the parameters to pass to the method, lastModified is an optional parameter for the last modified date of the data, databaseName is an optional parameter for the name of the database to use, and version is an optional parameter for the version of the database to be used.

The hook returns an object (SWRResponse) with the following properties: data, error, isLoading isValidating, and mutate. The type of the data returned by the method is passed as a type parameter T.

The hook first checks if the data is in IndexedDB. If data not present is sets shouldLoad state to true. If the data is present, it proceeds to check if the data is modified.

If the last modified date provided as parameter is different from the last modified date fetched from the IndexDB, it set shouldLoad to true.

If shouldLoad is true then proceeds to fetch data from the server using the useFrappeGetCall hook.




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