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v42 preview (release candidate)

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@sunaku sunaku released this 20 Feb 00:53

This release adds thumb cluster combos for shifting and tabbing, moves the Page keys to avoid ulnar deviation, redistributes Spacegram Operators across stronger fingers, arranges thumb cluster keys according to ease of tapping versus holding, improves square brackets placement on the Symbol layer, and so much more! πŸ’

Sunaku's Keymap v42 for the "Glorious Engrammer" πŸ§‘β€πŸš€πŸš€βœ¨

Keymap πŸ—ΊοΈ

Legend 🎏

Changes ✨

Base layer
Symbol layer
Cursor layer
Number layer
Function layer
Emoji layer
Mouse layer
System layer
Gaming layer
Lower layer


  • Add _FILES setting for configuring the shortcut that launches your File Manager app.


  • &crumb should always use retro-tap, irrespective of the THUMB_FORGIVENESS setting.


  • Base: add one-shot sticky shift on T1+T4 combo, CapsWord on T4+T5, CapsLock on T5+T6.
  • Base: move Alt-Tab to LT2+LT5, Ctrl-Tab to LT2+LT3, Hyper to RT2+RT5, Meh to RT2+RT3.
  • Base: add Win-Tab to LT1+LT5 combo, Turbo to RT1+RT5.
  • Base: add Typing layer toggle combo on RT3+RT6, like Gaming layer toggle on LT3+LT6.


  • Enthium: move B/V to pinky home lateral, Q/Z to pinky upper row; tolerable one-handed QU.


  • Base: put Backspace on RT1 and Enter on RT5 because I keep on wanting it that way.
  • Base: remove unused function row, traditional pinky shifts, base layer arrows, etc.
  • Base: move Home/End/Page to avoid ulnar deviation on reaching for outer left corner.
  • Base: move repetition / Typing layer access key to T6; free up T2 from double-duty.
  • Base: add normal left/right Shift on T2. You can easily change this to AltGr (#29).
  • Cursor/Number/Layer: rearrange Spacegrams to be more reachable from the T2+T3 combo.
  • Cursor: remove Alt/Ctrl/Win-Tab keys on the left thumb cluster; use combos instead.
  • Cursor: remove _C(J) shortcut key (labeled "Downloads") since it's not in The Table.
  • Number: move Pipe above Gkj stack for Vim; move AT to lower corner, Tilde to cliff.
  • Number: move A-E hex digits on right half's function row; F is already on left half.
  • Gaming: move square brackets to right satellites for consistency with Number layer.
  • Spacegram operators: swap Space and Tab to bring Space closer to Backspace and Delete.
  • Symbol: make square brackets easier to access by moving them down to the upper row.
  • Symbol: rearrange Spacegram operators, text selection, home/end; remove undo/redo keys.
  • Symbol/System/Mouse: move sticky home row mods to number row, step/jump to satellites.
  • System: move Lock/Sleep/Power keys to home row; stack RGB controls, mirror similarity.
  • Emoji: revert location of shift modifier to T4 (like it used to be back in release v39).
  • Mouse: reduce Fast speed from 4x to 3x.
  • Mouse: reduce Slow speed from 4x to 9x.
  • World: add native compose sequences for French letter OE.
  • World: remove unused French letter OE macro under the O cluster (it's already under E).
  • Typing: assign &trans to the T2,T3,T6 keys so that they inherit from the Base layer.