Image analysis codes used for segmentation of somite boundaries
This repository contains image analysis codes for segmenting somite and notochord boundaries in images of zebrafish embryo development. The reference preprint for this work can be found here: Map-projected data set for this work can be found here:
The repository contains the following image analysis codes:
Get_embryo_surface_SN.m This code detects nuclei in fused images obtained from a multiview microscope and performs a sphere fit of the point cloud
Map_projection_SN.m This code peforms map projection (equidistant cylindrical or Mercator) of fused spherical data
Map_projection_pixel_map_SN.m This code determines the pixel size in the projected map
Segment_somites_notochord_SN.m This code segments notochord and somite boundaries in map projected images. This code should perform equally well in non-map-projected images as well. You will have to comment/uncomment a few lines as mentioned within this code
Determine_median_position_boundary_SN.m This code determines median positions of segmented somite boundaries and notochord
Manually_segment_outline_somites_explants_v1.m This code allows manual outlining of tissues