It supports history block and prevent 'Back button'. It will be help when you build form tags in multiple page
npm i --save react-multiple-page
I recommend you to see /examples
about [BrowserRouter]
import React, { Fragment } from 'react'
import { Route, Switch, BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
import FormPage from 'components/pages/FormPage'
const customConfimation = (message, callback) => {
// ... refer to this Link
const App = () => (
<BrowserRouter getUserConfirmation={customConfimation}>
{/* ... */}
<Route path="/form" component={FormPage} />
about [using MultiplePageView]
import MultiplePageView from 'react-multiple-page'
import Section1 from './Section1'
import Section2 from './Section2'
import Section3 from './Section3'
const FormPage = (props) => (
pages={[Section1, Section2, Section3]} // isRequired
message={"메시지를 작성중입니다 정말 이 페이지를 떠나시겠습니까?"} // isOptionable
// when={false} // isOptionable
import React from 'react'
export default const Section1 = (props) => {
const { pageController } = props // from `react-multiple-page` property. that have a role control about this lib
return (
<div className="page">
<div className="form-control">
<h1> Hello, I am Section1 </h1>
<div className="form-control">
<button className="half-button" onClick={pageController.prevPage}>Prev</button>
<button className="half-button" onClick={pageController.nextPage}>Next</button>
- when: ([ boolean | func ])
- message: ([ string | func ])
- pages: ([ Array: ...Components])
Docs. Usage. 3 It will be help you.
- pageController: { nextPage, prevPage, goPage, when, message }
This source code using location.state
When you need to use location.state
for modal, popup and etc.., Please watch out drop away 'mp_page' in location.state
This source code use location.state. So, I recommand your source code change like this.
// (...)
const { location, history } = this.props
// history.replace(location.pathname, { ...location.state, mp_page })
history.push(location.pathname, { ...location.state, mp_page })
// (...)
- react-router v4
It's in
- test code,
- lib/MultiplePageView.js that's core source.
- examples are here.
- If you got an error using my library, Please email me or leave an issue. I'll fix ya immediately.
- Any PR, Thanks.
Anyway, I'm happy to help you
- history block GIST robertgonzales/App.jsx
- history block on ReactTrainning/history