Create a REST based backend for a game of tic-tac-toe.
To run the backend, simply run
docker-commpose up
- /api/v1/games (GET)- Get all games
- /api/v1/games (POST)- Start a new game
- /api/v1/games/{game_id} (GET)- Get a game
- /api/v1/games/{game_id} (PUT)- Post a new move to a game
- /api/v1/games/{game_id} (DELETE)- Delete a game
- The computer randomly selects a vacant position from the board. It is a random player and does not intentionally try to win
- The state of the game is stored in a postgres sql database
- Migration scripts for the postgres database can be found in migrations folder
- Environment variables for the game app and the db are configured in the docker-compose file and can be changed as per need