Omeka-S in docker
There is also example of docker-compose.yml file which can be used for development. It creates 3 containers:
- mysql db
- phpmyadmin
- omeka-s behind apache (modules or themes can be inserted via docker volumes)
docker-compose up
Commands to create docker image
sudo docker build -t sunny3p/omeka-s . sudo docker push sunny3p/omeka-s
kubernetes deployment
Commands to deploy it on kubernetes
cd to Kubernestes deployment folder
kubectl create namespace omeka kubectl apply -k ./ -n omeka
To Delete the deployment kubectl delete -k ./ -n omeka
kubectl -n omeka exec -it omeka-64b886f686-2tb7h -- /bin/bash kubectl port-forward svc/omeka 8081:80 -n omeka
kubectl describe pvc mysql-pv-claim | grep Finalizers kubectl patch pvc omekaclassic-pv-claim -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers": []}}' --type=merge -n omeka-classic
Resources and Reference
- Docker documentation:
- Docker Cheat Sheet:
- Docker Tutorial:
- Omeka-S Previous Old Docker Image: