Docker IDE is really just a simple editor for Dockerfiles that allows you to connect to a docker host and build your image as you configure it giving quick feedback.
You can see it running at
To avoid the security risks of CORS and running Docker without TLS you can run DockerIDE as a container, sharing the host Docker socket.
docker run -p 80:80 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name docker-ide superafroman/docker-ide
This will make DockerIDE available at http://localhost or if you're using boot2docker whatever the IP address of your Docker host is.
This is a proof-of-concept and so currently requires you to enable CORS in the Docker API. You will also need to disable TLS or add the docker URL as a trusted site in whatever browser you use.
This is dangerous if the daemon is accessible to the public network.
Start the Docker deamon with --api-enable-cors
For boot2docker do:
$ boot2docker ssh
docker@boot2docker:~$ sudo su -
root@boot2docker:/home/docker# echo 'EXTRA_ARGS="--api-enable-cors"' >> /var/lib/boot2docker/profile
root@boot2docker:/home/docker# exit
docker@boot2docker:~$ exit
$ boot2docker restart
export DOCKER_TLS=no
and restart the Docker daemon.
For boot2docker do:
$ boot2docker ssh
docker@boot2docker:~$ sudo su -
root@boot2docker:/home/docker# echo 'DOCKER_TLS=no' >> /var/lib/boot2docker/profile
root@boot2docker:/home/docker# exit
docker@boot2docker:~$ exit
$ boot2docker restart