A game of exploration, adventure and combat.
Made in 48h using Superpowers, the HTML5 2D+3D game maker for the Global Game Jam 2016 by Nicolas Gauthier, Thomas Frick, Eléa Heberlé, Rémy Maetz, Romain Schlinger, Florent Poujol, Bruno de Chazelles, Victor Nardin, Elisée Maurer and Rosalie Klein, with music written for the game by Robin Dussart and Dimitri Guindet.
Play Lumberjack Jacques on itch.io
Download the source project and unzip it into your server's projects
It is made available for educational purposes only. Feel free to check it out and learn from it.
Get Superpowers and make your own games at https://superpowers-html5.com/