Rust Workshop
- rustup, rustc, cargo, linker deps (gcc/build-essential or clang or mscpp)
- VS Code - Rust-analyzer + CodeLLDB
- Vim/Neovim - Rust.vim + Syntastic + Rust-analyzer + CoC
- bin
- Cargo new, build, run and debug
- Cargo check and Cargo fmt
- std:io example - prelude,
- Import dependencies. simple example such as rand or serde
- println! vs eprintln! vs dbg!
- redirect streams
./rsw-app > output
for just stdout (> is same as 1>)./rsw-app 2> errors
for stderr./rsw-app 1> output 2> errors
for both./rsw-app > logs 2>&1
- redirect streams
- lib
- cargo new --lib, build
- cargo test
- unit testing - run and debug
- intro to modules (mod)
- multi-file project example.
- bin + lib workspace demo
- Rebuilding launch configuration
- debugging on vs code
- Examples: ripgrep, tokei, bat, etc.