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    Message::Passing::ZeroMQ - input and output messages to ZeroMQ.

        # Terminal 1:
        $ message-passing --input STDIN --output ZeroMQ --output_options '{"connect":"tcp://"}'

        # Terminal 2:
        $ message-passing --output STDOUT --input ZeroMQ --input_options '{"socket_bind":"tcp://*:5552"}'

    A ZeroMQ transport for Message::Passing.

    Designed for use as a log transport and aggregation mechanism for perl
    applications, allowing you to aggregate structured and non-structured
    log messages across the network in a non-blocking manor.

    Clients (I.e. users of the Message::Passing::Output::ZeroMQ class)
    connect to a server (I.e. a user of the Message::Passing::Input::ZeroMQ
    class) via ZeroMQ's pub/sub sockets. These are setup to be lossy and
    non-blocking, meaning that if the log-receiver process is down or slow,
    then the application will queue a small (and configurable) amount of
    logs on it's side, and after that log messages will be dropped.

    Whilst throwing away log messages isn't a good thing to do, or something
    that you want to happen regularly, in many (especially web application)
    contexts, network logging being a single point of failure is not
    acceptable from a reliability and graceful degradation standpoint.

    The application grinding to a halt as a non-essential centralised
    resource is unavailable (e.g. the log aggregation server) is
    significantly less acceptable than the loss of non-essential logging

    In your application emitting messages, you can either use
    Message::Passing::Output::ZeroMQ directly, or you can use it via

        use Log::Dispatch;
        use Log::Dispatch::Message::Passing;
        use Message::Passing::Output::ZeroMQ;
        use Message::Passing::Filter::Encode::JSON;

        my $log = Log::Dispatch->new;

            name      => 'myapp_aggregate_log',
            min_level => 'debug',
            output    => Message::Passing::Filter::Encode::JSON->new(
              output_to => Message::Passing::Output::ZeroMQ->new(
                connect => 'tcp://',

        $log->warn($_) for qw/ foo bar baz /;

    On your log aggregation server, just run the message-passing utility:

        message-passing --input ZeroMQ --input_options '{"socket_bind":"tcp://*:5222"}' \
            --output File --output_options '{"filename":"/tmp/my_test.log"}'

    ZeroMQ supports multiple socket types, the only ones used in
    Message::Passing::ZeroMQ are:

    Used for general message distribution - you can have either multiple
    producers (PUB) which connect to one consumer (SUB), or multiple
    consumers (SUB) which connect to one producer (PUB).

    All consumers will get a copy of every message.

    In Message::Passing terms, Message::Passing::Input::ZeroMQ is for SUB
    sockets, and Message::Passing::Output::ZeroMQ is for PUB sockets.

    Used for message distribution. A sever (PUSH) distributes messages
    between a number of connecting clients (PULL)

    In Message::Passing terms, Message::Passing::Input::ZeroMQ is for PULL
    sockets, and Message::Passing::Output::ZeroMQ is for PUSH sockets.

    Note that in ZeroMQ, the connection direction and the direction of
    message flow can be entirely opposite. I.e. a client can connect to a
    server and send messages to it, or receive messages from it (depending
    on the direction of the socket types).

    Both Message::Passing::Input::ZeroMQ and
    Message::Passing::Output::ZeroMQ support either binding a server or
    connecting to a remote host, due to the fact that ZeroMQ connections can
    be in any direction, as noted above.

    Therefore, each input or output should have one (but not both!) of the
    following attributes:

    Connects to a remote server, e.g. "tcp://"

    Binds a server and waits for connections from clients, e.g.

    This defaults to "SUB" for Message::Passing::Input::ZeroMQ and "PUB" for
    Message::Passing::Output::ZeroMQ, however you can override it to
    "PUSH"/"PULL" as appropriate for your use case if desired.

    With this in mind, we can easily create a system which aggregates
    messages from multiple publishers, and passes them out (in a round-robin
    fashion) to a pool of workers.

        # The message distributor:
        message-passing --input ZeroMQ --input_options '{"socket_bind":"tcp://*:5222"}' \
            --output ZeroMQ --output_options '{"socket_bind":"tcp://*:5223","socket_type":"PUSH"}'

        # Workers
            package MyApp::MessageWorker;
            use Moo;

            with 'Message::Passing::Role::Filter';

            sub filter {
                my ($self, $message) = @_;
                # .... process the message in any way you want here
                return undef; # Do not output the message..

        message-passing --input ZeroMQ --input_options '{"connect":"tcp://","socket_type":"PULL"}'
            --filter '+MyApp::MessageWorker'
            --output STDOUT

    You log messages into the distributor as per the above simple example,
    and you can run multiple worker processes..

    Less trivial setups could/would emit messages on error, or maybe re-emit
    the incoming message after transforming it in some way.

    For more detailed information about ZeroMQ and how it works, please
    consult the ZeroMQ guide and the other links below:


    Tomas (t0m) Doran <>

    This module exists due to the wonderful people at Suretec Systems Ltd.
    <> who sponsored its development for its
    VoIP division called SureVoIP <> for use with
    the SureVoIP API -

    Copyright Suretec Systems 2012.

    GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3

    If you feel this is too restrictive to be able to use this software,
    please talk to us as we'd be willing to consider re-licensing under less
    restrictive terms.