Trail is a minimalistic, composable framework for building HTTP/WebSocket servers, inspired by Plug & [WebSock][websock]. It provides its users with a small set of abstractions for building trails that can be assembled to handle a request.
To create a Trail, you can use the syntax Trail.[fn1;fn2;fn3;...]
, where each
function takes a connection object and an arbitrary context, to produce a new
connection object.
For example:
open Trail
open Router
let endpoint =
use (module Logger) Logger.(args ~level:Debug ());
socket "/ws" (module My_handler) ();
get "/" (fun conn -> Conn.send_response `OK {%b|"hello world"|} conn);
scope "/api"
get "/version" (fun conn ->
Conn.send_response `OK {%b|"none"|} conn);