is a surpaimb/baidu-aip laravel package.
- PHP >= 7.0.0
- Laravel >= 5.0.0
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
This package requires PHP 7+ and Laravel 5
First, install laravel 5.*, and make sure that the database connection settings are correct.
composer require surpaimb/laravel-baidu-aip
Then run these commands to publish assets and config:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Surpaimb\BaiduAip\BaiduAipServiceProvider"
After run command you can find config file in config/baiduaip.php
, in this file you can change the install directory,db connection or table names.
The file config/baiduaip.php
contains an array of configurations, you can find the default configurations in there.
You can find appid/appkey/secretKey, from https://console.bce.baidu.com/ai/