This repo contains source code for our paper "Model checking for Entanglment Swapping", Surya Sai Teja Desu, Anubhav Srivastava and M.V.Panduranga Rao, accepted at FORMATS 2022
Users can either download zip file from github or clone this repository.
To clone this repository use the following command
git clone
Instructions to use this repo are as follows
OS : Ubuntu
We highly recommend using virtual environment while using this repo. Virtual environments helps to isolate versions of Python and associated pip packages, thus avoiding any dependency issues.
Note that this step of creating virtual environment is optional but recommended.
Command to create a virtual environment named testenv
python3 -m venv testenv
Command to activate the virtual environment
source testenv/bin/activate
Installation procedure for PRISM can be found in their website.
The same bash script for this is also added to prism
directory for easy access. Inside prism directory, run
PATH_TO_PRISM variable in shall be changed if the installation is done not using our script.
SeQUeNCe simulator from the original project is reconfigured to suit our requirements. The modified code is given in SeQUeNCe
To install, go to SeQUeNCe directory and run the following commands.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install .
We provide a bash script to run all the experiments. As mentioned above, verify that the PATH_TO_PRISM variable points to bin of PRISM installed.
Then run the following command
On a normal computer with 8gb RAM and i7 10th Gen processor, it takes around 90 min to complete the whole thing.
Majority of the time is needed for simulator part as we each experiment is run for 2000 trails to mimic the probabilistic behaviour of the model.
Once complete two directories are generated results
and figures
directory contains all the probability values in csv formats seperated into different files for model and simulatorfigures
directory contains the six plots shown in the paper. These are named as 6a-6f as given in the paper.