Repo contains outcomes from IMAGE SEGMENTATION COURSE
offered at This post is a gist of what the course teaches for anyone willing to learn about Semantic Segmentation using Modern Deep Learning
- For people already aware of fundamental concepts, here's a deepdive into SEGFORMERS -one of SOTA for Segmentation tasks
- For people interested in Deployment strategies - here's a deepdive into Neural Optimization techniques
- Problem Statement
- Deep Learning Project Components
- Dataset
- Loss function
- Metric
- Models
- HyperParameters
- Results
- Things that didn't work
- Annexure
- Multi-class Segmentation Problem - specifically to classify each pixel in an image to one of following 3 classes:
- Direct / current lane (label 0)
- Alternative lane (label 1)
- Background (label 2)
Following are the key areas of focus when trying to solve any Deep Learning Project PoC
- We use the
Driveable Area
segment from BDD100K dataset for our project - 3k labeled images split randomly into train, validation and test images (2.1k, 0.6k and 0.3k)
- Input Image -> (360, 640, 3) RGB image and labels -> (360, 640) uint8 datatype
- Labels are converted to type A as its smaller and efficient to work with
- As with most semantic segmentation datasets, there is data imbalance
Class | % in Dataset |
Direct lane | 11.7% |
Alternate lane | 4.7% |
Background | 83.6% |
- We'll need to account for class imbalance when selecting the loss function and metric
- No Data Augumentation was applied other than Normalization using Imagenet mean, standard deviation
- As mentioned earlier, Loss function must be able to handle class imbalance
- Problems in Medical image processing face similar issues and we can take cues from approaches taken there
Loss function | Use case |
Multi-class Cross entropy | Multi-class version with option for weights for different classes |
Focal Loss | Highly-imbalanced dataset, down-weight the contribution of easy examples, enabling model to learn hard examples |
Dice Loss | Inspired from Dice Coefficient, a segmentation metric. Suitable for imbalanced datasets |
Tversky Loss | Variant of Dice Coefficient. Add weight to False positives and False negatives. |
- Considering the imbalance in the dataset and literature review, Dice loss is chosen as loss function. Dataset is imbalanced, but not to the extreme levels of Medical Image segmentation where Focal loss could have better results
- As Semantic segmentation is an extension of classification problem, classification metrics like Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 score can also be applied
- Considering imbalanced nature of dataset, mean IoU is chosen as Evaluation Metric.
- Also, it's the industry standanrd for most segmentation tasks
Following model architectures were considered:
Models using resnet50 backbone used the same pretrained weights for justified comparison.
All of these models try to tackle the following problems in their own way:
- Multi-scale nature of objects
- Finding Global context of environment
- Tradeoff between global context and local semantics
UNet uses Encoder-Decoder architecture with skip-connections to get accurate borders
PSPNet uses Spatial Pyramid Pooling to set Global context prior and auxiliary branch from 3rd layer to speed up training
Deeplabv3+ uses Atrous convolutions, Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling and Encoder-Decoder architecture
Segformers uses Efficient Self-Attention along with Mix-FFN, Overlap Patch embedding
- All models had similar training procedures as follows:
- Batch size of 8
- Backbones initialized with pretrained weights and no layers were frozen during training
- Adam optimizer with OneCycle LR Scheduler with initial learning rate = 3e-4, cosine annealing with 30% ascend
- 12 epochs of training where model with lowest Dice loss was taken as best model
Model | meanIoU (%) | Weight Size (MB) |
FCN-resnet50 | 69.56% | 133 MB |
UNet | 65.44% | 118 MB |
PSPNet-resnet50 | 75.49% | 187 MB |
Deeplabv3+-resnet50 | 73.05% | 154 MB |
Segformer MiT B3 | 77.07% | 170 MB |
- As seen in table, Segformer achieves the highest meanIoU with model weight size ~170MB with its Multi-scale Transformer + all MLP decoder
- Deeplabv3+ scores 2% meanIoU lesser than PSPNet, is ~20% lighter. The lesses meanIoU might be down to Overfitting as Deeplabv3+ is more SOTA than PSPNet. There's also a variant with Xception backbone which is faster, memory-efficient too
- As a fun challenge, trained models were evaluated on unseen / very different scenario of Streets in Costa Rica
- Inspite of different environment and lot of shadows, the model performance is very robust
- Freezing backbone and training the Classification head alone
- Cross-Entropy / Weighted CE loss functions peformed poorly compared to diceloss
- Different Optimizer like SGD with momentum, AdamW, Adagrad didn't improve results
- Different LR schedulers like CosAnnealing with Warm Restarts, PolyLR also couldn't provide better meanIoU
- Semantic segmentation can be applied wherever Image and Image-like data is available, hence has numerous use-cases some of which are highlighted below
- Semantic Segmentation doesn't differentiate across different instances of the same object while Instance Segmentation does