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fix: paginate DescribeNetworkInterfaces with deep filters (aws#375)
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* fix: paginate DescribeNetworkInterfaces with deep filters

* update metrics and address review comments

* minor updates to address comments
  • Loading branch information
sushrk authored Feb 29, 2024
1 parent c10421f commit b5699de
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Showing 11 changed files with 193 additions and 132 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ func main() {
var healthCheckTimeout int
var enableWindowsPrefixDelegation bool
var region string
var vpcID string

flag.StringVar(&metricsAddr, "metrics-bind-address", ":8080",
"The address the metric endpoint binds to.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,6 +142,7 @@ func main() {
flag.BoolVar(&enableWindowsPrefixDelegation, "enable-windows-prefix-delegation", false,
"Enable the feature flag for Windows prefix delegation")
flag.StringVar(&region, "aws-region", "", "The aws region of the k8s cluster")
flag.StringVar(&vpcID, "vpc-id", "", "The vpc-id where EKS cluster is deployed")


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,6 +185,11 @@ func main() {

if vpcID == "" {
setupLog.Error(fmt.Errorf("vpc-id is a required parameter"), "unable to start the controller")

// Profiler disabled by default, to enable set the enableProfiling argument
if enableProfiling {
// To use the profiler -
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,6 +343,7 @@ func main() {
EC2Wrapper: ec2Wrapper,
ClusterName: clusterName,
Log: ctrl.Log.WithName("eni cleaner"),
}).SetupWithManager(ctx, mgr, healthzHandler); err != nil {
setupLog.Error(err, "unable to start eni cleaner")
Expand Down

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Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

116 changes: 64 additions & 52 deletions pkg/aws/ec2/api/eni_cleanup.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ type ENICleaner struct {
EC2Wrapper EC2Wrapper
ClusterName string
Log logr.Logger
VPCID string

availableENIs map[string]struct{}
shutdown bool
Expand All @@ -42,16 +43,22 @@ type ENICleaner struct {

var (
vpcCniLeakedENICleanupCnt = prometheus.NewCounter(
Name: "vpc_cni_created_leaked_eni_cleanup_count",
Help: "The number of leaked ENIs created by VPC-CNI that is cleaned up by the controller",
vpccniAvailableENICnt = prometheus.NewGauge(
Name: "vpc_cni_created_available_eni_count",
Help: "The number of available ENIs created by VPC-CNI that controller will try to delete in each cleanup cycle",
vpcrcLeakedENICleanupCnt = prometheus.NewCounter(
Name: "vpc_rc_created_leaked_eni_cleanup_count",
Help: "The number of leaked ENIs created by VPC-RC that is cleaned up by the controller",
vpcrcAvailableENICnt = prometheus.NewGauge(
Name: "vpc_rc_created_available_eni_count",
Help: "The number of available ENIs created by VPC-RC that controller will try to delete in each cleanup cycle",
leakedENICnt = prometheus.NewGauge(
Name: "leaked_eni_count",
Help: "The number of available ENIs that failed to be deleted by the controller in each cleanup cycle",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,6 +108,9 @@ func (e *ENICleaner) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
// interval between cycle 1 and 2 and hence can be safely deleted. And we can also conclude that Interface 1 was
// created but not attached at the the time when 1st cycle ran and hence it should not be deleted.
func (e *ENICleaner) cleanUpAvailableENIs() {
vpcrcAvailableCount := 0
vpccniAvailableCount := 0
leakedENICount := 0
describeNetworkInterfaceIp := &ec2.DescribeNetworkInterfacesInput{
Filters: []*ec2.Filter{
Expand All @@ -116,63 +126,65 @@ func (e *ENICleaner) cleanUpAvailableENIs() {
Values: aws.StringSlice([]string{config.NetworkInterfaceOwnerTagValue,
Name: aws.String("vpc-id"),
Values: []*string{aws.String(e.VPCID)},

availableENIs := make(map[string]struct{})

for {
describeNetworkInterfaceOp, err := e.EC2Wrapper.DescribeNetworkInterfaces(describeNetworkInterfaceIp)
if err != nil {
e.Log.Error(err, "failed to describe network interfaces, will retry")

for _, networkInterface := range describeNetworkInterfaceOp.NetworkInterfaces {
if _, exists := e.availableENIs[*networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId]; exists {
// Increment promethues metrics for number of leaked ENIs cleaned up
if tagIdx := slices.IndexFunc(networkInterface.TagSet, func(tag *ec2.Tag) bool {
return *tag.Key == config.NetworkInterfaceOwnerTagKey
}); tagIdx != -1 {
switch *networkInterface.TagSet[tagIdx].Value {
case config.NetworkInterfaceOwnerTagValue:
case config.NetworkInterfaceOwnerVPCCNITagValue:
// We will not hit this case as we only filter for above two tag values, adding it for any future use cases
e.Log.Info("found available ENI not created by VPC-CNI/VPC-RC")
networkInterfaces, err := e.EC2Wrapper.DescribeNetworkInterfacesPages(describeNetworkInterfaceIp)
if err != nil {
e.Log.Error(err, "failed to describe network interfaces, cleanup will be retried in next cycle")

// The ENI in available state has been sitting for at least the eni clean up interval and it should
// be removed
_, err := e.EC2Wrapper.DeleteNetworkInterface(&ec2.DeleteNetworkInterfaceInput{
NetworkInterfaceId: networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId,
if err != nil {
// Log and continue, if the ENI is still present it will be cleaned up in next 2 cycles
e.Log.Error(err, "failed to delete the dangling network interface",
"id", *networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId)
for _, networkInterface := range networkInterfaces {
if _, exists := e.availableENIs[*networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId]; exists {
// Increment promethues metrics for number of leaked ENIs cleaned up
if tagIdx := slices.IndexFunc(networkInterface.TagSet, func(tag *ec2.Tag) bool {
return *tag.Key == config.NetworkInterfaceOwnerTagKey
}); tagIdx != -1 {
switch *networkInterface.TagSet[tagIdx].Value {
case config.NetworkInterfaceOwnerTagValue:
vpcrcAvailableCount += 1
case config.NetworkInterfaceOwnerVPCCNITagValue:
vpccniAvailableCount += 1
// We should not hit this case as we only filter for relevant tag values, log error and continue if unexpected ENIs found
e.Log.Error(fmt.Errorf("found available ENI not created by VPC-CNI/VPC-RC"), "eniID", *networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId)
e.Log.Info("deleted dangling ENI successfully",
"eni id", networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId)
} else {
// Seeing the ENI for the first time, add it to the new list of available network interfaces
availableENIs[*networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId] = struct{}{}
e.Log.V(1).Info("adding eni to to the map of available ENIs, will be removed if present in "+
"next run too", "id", *networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId)

if describeNetworkInterfaceOp.NextToken == nil {
// The ENI in available state has been sitting for at least the eni clean up interval and it should
// be removed
_, err := e.EC2Wrapper.DeleteNetworkInterface(&ec2.DeleteNetworkInterfaceInput{
NetworkInterfaceId: networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId,
if err != nil {
leakedENICount += 1
// Log and continue, if the ENI is still present it will be cleaned up in next 2 cycles
e.Log.Error(err, "failed to delete the dangling network interface",
"id", *networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId)
e.Log.Info("deleted dangling ENI successfully",
"eni id", networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId)
} else {
// Seeing the ENI for the first time, add it to the new list of available network interfaces
availableENIs[*networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId] = struct{}{}
e.Log.V(1).Info("adding eni to to the map of available ENIs, will be removed if present in "+
"next run too", "id", *networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceId)

describeNetworkInterfaceIp.NextToken = describeNetworkInterfaceOp.NextToken

// Update leaked ENI metrics
// Set the available ENIs to the list of ENIs seen in the current cycle
e.availableENIs = availableENIs
27 changes: 15 additions & 12 deletions pkg/aws/ec2/api/eni_cleanup_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ var (
mockNetworkInterfaceId2 = "eni-000000000000001"
mockNetworkInterfaceId3 = "eni-000000000000002"

mockVPCID = "vpc-0000000000000000"

mockDescribeNetworkInterfaceIp = &ec2.DescribeNetworkInterfacesInput{
Filters: []*ec2.Filter{
Expand All @@ -52,19 +54,19 @@ var (
Values: aws.StringSlice([]string{config.NetworkInterfaceOwnerTagValue,
Name: aws.String("vpc-id"),
Values: []*string{aws.String(mockVPCID)},
mockDescribeInterfaceOpWith1And2 = &ec2.DescribeNetworkInterfacesOutput{
NetworkInterfaces: []*ec2.NetworkInterface{
{NetworkInterfaceId: &mockNetworkInterfaceId1},
{NetworkInterfaceId: &mockNetworkInterfaceId2},
mockDescribeInterfaceOpWith1And2 = []*ec2.NetworkInterface{
{NetworkInterfaceId: &mockNetworkInterfaceId1},
{NetworkInterfaceId: &mockNetworkInterfaceId2},
mockDescribeInterfaceOpWith1And3 = &ec2.DescribeNetworkInterfacesOutput{
NetworkInterfaces: []*ec2.NetworkInterface{
{NetworkInterfaceId: &mockNetworkInterfaceId1},
{NetworkInterfaceId: &mockNetworkInterfaceId3},
mockDescribeInterfaceOpWith1And3 = []*ec2.NetworkInterface{
{NetworkInterfaceId: &mockNetworkInterfaceId1},
{NetworkInterfaceId: &mockNetworkInterfaceId3},

Expand All @@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ func getMockENICleaner(ctrl *gomock.Controller) (*ENICleaner, *mock_api.MockEC2W
EC2Wrapper: mockEC2Wrapper,
availableENIs: map[string]struct{}{},
Log: zap.New(zap.UseDevMode(true)),
clusterNameTagKey: mockClusterNameTagKey,
ctx: context.Background(),
}, mockEC2Wrapper
Expand All @@ -85,10 +88,10 @@ func TestENICleaner_cleanUpAvailableENIs(t *testing.T) {

// Return network interface 1 and 2 in first cycle
Return(mockDescribeInterfaceOpWith1And2, nil),
// Return network interface 1 and 3 in the second cycle
Return(mockDescribeInterfaceOpWith1And3, nil),
// Expect to delete the network interface 1
Expand Down
49 changes: 13 additions & 36 deletions pkg/aws/ec2/api/helper.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ type EC2APIHelper interface {
ipResourceCount *config.IPResourceCount, interfaceType *string) (*ec2.NetworkInterface, error)
DeleteNetworkInterface(interfaceId *string) error
GetSubnet(subnetId *string) (*ec2.Subnet, error)
GetBranchNetworkInterface(trunkID *string) ([]*ec2.NetworkInterface, error)
GetBranchNetworkInterface(trunkID *string, subnetID *string) ([]*ec2.NetworkInterface, error)
GetInstanceNetworkInterface(instanceId *string) ([]*ec2.InstanceNetworkInterface, error)
DescribeNetworkInterfaces(nwInterfaceIds []*string) ([]*ec2.NetworkInterface, error)
DescribeTrunkInterfaceAssociation(trunkInterfaceId *string) ([]*ec2.TrunkInterfaceAssociation, error)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,43 +562,20 @@ func (h *ec2APIHelper) UnassignIPv4Resources(eniID string, resourceType config.R
return err

func (h *ec2APIHelper) GetBranchNetworkInterface(trunkID *string) ([]*ec2.NetworkInterface, error) {
filters := []*ec2.Filter{{
Name: aws.String("tag:" + config.TrunkENIIDTag),
Values: []*string{trunkID},

describeNetworkInterfacesInput := &ec2.DescribeNetworkInterfacesInput{Filters: filters}
var nwInterfaces []*ec2.NetworkInterface
for {
describeNetworkInterfaceOutput, err := h.ec2Wrapper.DescribeNetworkInterfaces(describeNetworkInterfacesInput)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

if describeNetworkInterfaceOutput == nil || describeNetworkInterfaceOutput.NetworkInterfaces == nil ||
len(describeNetworkInterfaceOutput.NetworkInterfaces) == 0 {
// No more interface associated with the trunk, return the result

// One or more interface associated with the trunk, return the result
for _, nwInterface := range describeNetworkInterfaceOutput.NetworkInterfaces {
// Only attach the required details to avoid consuming extra memory
nwInterfaces = append(nwInterfaces, &ec2.NetworkInterface{
NetworkInterfaceId: nwInterface.NetworkInterfaceId,
TagSet: nwInterface.TagSet,

if describeNetworkInterfaceOutput.NextToken == nil {

describeNetworkInterfacesInput.NextToken = describeNetworkInterfaceOutput.NextToken
func (h *ec2APIHelper) GetBranchNetworkInterface(trunkID *string, subnetID *string) ([]*ec2.NetworkInterface, error) {
filters := []*ec2.Filter{
Name: aws.String("tag:" + config.TrunkENIIDTag),
Values: []*string{trunkID},
Name: aws.String("subnet-id"),
Values: []*string{subnetID},

return nwInterfaces, nil
describeNetworkInterfacesInput := &ec2.DescribeNetworkInterfacesInput{Filters: filters}
return h.ec2Wrapper.DescribeNetworkInterfacesPages(describeNetworkInterfacesInput)

// DetachAndDeleteNetworkInterface detaches the network interface first and then deletes it
Expand Down

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