KelasKita is an application for teachers and students to discuss, which provides a feature to post answers to any questions that have been made by other users.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Go version 1.20.2
- PostgreSQL
Add .env file with these variables
DATABASE_URL=postgresql://${{ PGUSER }}:${{ PGPASSWORD }}@${{ PGHOST }}:${{ PGPORT }}/${{ PGDATABASE }}
PGPASSWORD=<pg user password>
PGPORT=<database port>
PGUSER=<pg username>
JWTKEY=<jwt secret>
PORT=<localhost port>
Installing dependencies :
go mod tidy
Run application :
go run main.go
Run application with nodemon (if you have installed nodemon) :
nodemon --exec go run main.go --signal SIGTERM
See all API Documentation on KelasKita Postman Documenter