A curated list of awesome books, articles, tutorials, podcasts and other resources about the 1729 network state.

A network state is a social network with an agreed-upon leader, an integrated cryptocurrency, a definite purpose, a sense of national consciousness, and a plan to crowdfund territory.
- 1729 Values
- The Network State
- Centralized East - Decentralized West
- The Ledger of Record
- Regulation is Information
- Crowdchoice
- Optimalism
- Cryptouniversity to Cryptoeconomy
- A City in the Cloud
- Decentralized Defense
- Technology Tree
- Longevity
- Follow
- Win and Help Win
- Truth, Health, Wealth
- Learn, Burn, Earn
- Summary - Summary of the key concepts behind the Network State.
- The Network State - Article expaining the key concepts behind the Network State.
- American Anarchy - Article pointing out trends towards an American anarchy.
- Chinese Control - Tweet foreseeing a scenario of American anarchy and Chinese control.
- We Are Building the Ledger of Record - Twitter Thread.
- The Ledger of Records - Talk about creating sources of definitive truth with blockchain oracles.
- The Ledger of Records - Slides of the second 1729 lecture.
- Algorithmic Fact Checking - Slides of the 7th 1729 lecture.
- The Gray Lady Winked - Book that analyzes how the New York Times impacts policy, politics and history.
- Regulation is Information - Slides of the 6th 1729 lecture.
- Reputation and Power - Book describing how the FDA became the world's most powerful regulatory agency.
- Regulation, Disruption and the Technologies of 2013 - Paper with examples of how regulation inhibits technical progress.
- The Start of Startup Cities - Article describing the rising trend of Startup Cities.
- Silicon Valley's Ultimate Exit - Talk by Balaji Srinivasan about Exit at Y Combinator Startup School in 2013.
- Exit, Voice and Loyalty - Book showing different ways of reacting to deterioration.
- Software Is Reorganizing the World - Article about online communities becoming physical.
- The Network Union - Article about the antecedent of the Network State.
- Optimalism I - Slides of the 3rd 1729 lecture.
- Optimalism II - Slides of the 5th 1729 lecture.
- Course, College, City, Country - Slides of the 8th 1729 lecture.
- Tim Ferriss Show with Balaji Srinivasan - Podcast where Balaji talks about Cryptocredentials (and much more).
- A City in the Cloud - Tweet about how to start a new city.
- On-Chain or Insecure - Twitter Thread.
- A Turkish Drone with a Machine Gun - Tweet about Songar.
- Tech Tree concept - Twitter Thread explaining the concept of a Tech Tree.
- Longevity Tech Tree - Longevity Technology Tree of the Foresight Institute.
- The Purpose of Technology - Article about why the ultimate purpose of technology is to eliminate mortality.
- Lifespan - Book about why we age and why we don't have to.
- Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair - Podcast discussing why we age and interventions for slowing and reversing aging.
- The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant - Fable about moral reasons for longevity reserach.
- Vincent Weisser: Longevity - List of resources about longevity.
- Vincent Weisser: Biohacking - List of resources about biohacking.
- The Measured Man - Article about a man tracking his bodily function.
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