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PSH - PHP shell helper


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PSH - PHP shell helper

Keep using your standard shell scripts

PSH is intended to be a simple and easy alternative to other build script solutions.


You do not have to learn a new - and in most cases much more verbose - language, but can scale your existing skills on the command line.

Key benefits are:

  • Share your existing shell scripts with your team members
  • Add error handling if single statement in the sh scripts fails
  • Replace placeholders in sh scripts with variables
  • Overload variables and scripts in a environment configuration


Although you can use PSH as a composer dependency, we recommend to use the PHAR archive instead. PSH only communicates through the shell with your application and therefore does not need any influence on your other project dependencies.

Through composer


composer require shopware/psh --dev


composer global require shopware/psh

As a PHAR archive (preferred)

Download psh.phar to your local environment.

wget # PHP7 Version
# OR wget for the PHP5.6 Version
chmod +x psh.phar

Build it yourself

PSH is used to build itself. You need to clone the repository and install the composer dependencies by yourself first.

git clone
cd psh
composer install # assuming you have composer installed globally

./psh unit # verify your installation by executing the test suite.
./psh build 

This will create a release phar in the build/psh.phar directory. Although the project itself requires PHP7 a PHP 5.6 compatible version is currently created with it build/psh56.phar.


PSH is a CLI application. Before you can use it you need to create a configuration file in your project root named .psh.yml.


The minimum required file looks like this:

  - my/sh/scripts

const: []

dynamic: []
  • paths - The locations of your *.sh scripts
  • const - The constant environment values you want PSH to replace in your scripts
  • dynamic - The dynamic values you want PSH to replace in your scripts

This just lists all *.sh scripts in my/sh/scripts and allows you to call them by filename.


Placeholders in your scripts looks like this:

ln -s __PATH__

The placeholder __PATH__ now needs to be part of your configuration file as either a constant or a variable.

Notice: All placeholders must be written in uppercase in scripts. Even if defined otherwise in configuration, replacement only works uppercase. With (sic!) add the end of a placeholder it will be escaped. As an example __DIR__(sic!).


Constants are the basic solution to placeholder replacements. You define placeholders in your config like this:

  PATH: /var/www

This will then execute

ln -s /var/www


With variables you can use the output of one line shell statements in your scripts.

  PATH: echo $HOME

The Variables get executed before the actual statement is executed, but you can imagine the outcome to be equivalent to:

ln -s `echo $HOME`


If your application depends on files that are not part of your repository because they differ for different systems (Typically *.dist files), you can use templates to achieve automatic deployment of these files.

  - source: templates/consts.tpl
    destination: app/consts.php

This reads the contents of templates/consts.tpl, replaces placeholders with constants or variables from your configuration and writes the result to app/consts.php.

It is even possible to use placeholders in template destinations:

  - source: templates/consts.tpl
    destination: app/consts-__ENVIRONMENT__.php


Environments are used to extend or overwrite your base configuration. You can add more scripts, redefine or add constants or variables. A environment called foo may look like this:

            - foo/sh/scripts
            TEST: 1
            ID: id

This environment loads all scripts from foo/sh/scripts, adds a constant TEST and a variable ID. If you want to call a script in this environment you have to prefix your call with foo:.


Optionally - and just for fun - you can output a ASCII header in front of every PSH execution.

header: |
     ___| |__   ___  _ ____      ____ _ _ __ ___
    / __| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ _ \
    \__ \ | | | (_) | |_) \ V  V / (_| | | |  __/
    |___/_| |_|\___/| .__/ \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  \___|


You can add a description to a script which will be printed when the command list will be displayed.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
#DESCRIPTION: My useful comment.


Although most of your existing sh scripts should work just fine, you may find some of the following additions useful or necessary.

Keep in mind: Commands will be validated for successful execution -> All failures will fail the script!

Defining placeholders

In order to ensure that your scripts are reusable you can add placeholders that PSH will replace with configured values. All placeholders start and end with __, and contain only upper case letters, numbers, and single _ characters.


Including other scripts

Prefixing a line with INCLUDE: will treat the remaining part of the line as the path to another script to be included and executed here.

INCLUDE: my/sub/

If the path is relative, PSH will attempt to load the script relative to the location of the current script or relative to the configuration file.

On demand templates

Prefixing a line with TEMPLATE: will trigger an on demand template creation. The remaining part of the line then must look like this: SOURCE_PATH:DESTINATION_PATH

TEMPLATE: ../templates/template.ini.tpl:../destination/template.ini

Notice that all paths here must be relative to the script location.

Open a ssh connection to another machine

Many dev-ops script open a SSH channel to a locally running virtual machine / container or a remote staging / test system. If you do this through PSH you have to prefix the line with TTY:

TTY: vagrant ssh

Ignoring if a statement errored

Contrary to your usual shell scripts, to PSH it matters if a sh statement fails or not. If you need it to ignore errors, you have to prefix the line with I:

I: rm -R sometimes/there

Breaking statements into multiple lines

If a single shell statement is to long for a single line, you can break it in PSH and intend it with three spaces in the next line. PSH will then concatenate it prior to execution and execute it all in one.



  • export statements and internal variables do not work, since the statements do no longer share a single environment.
  • Statements that change the flow of a script do not work out of the box.

Executing it

Executing the script will print a listing overview of all available commands

> ./psh.phar

Available commands:

	- build
	- unit

2 script(s) available

The first argument is always the script name. This for example will execute the unit script:

> ./psh.phar unit

Starting Execution of 'unit' ('actions/')

(1/3) Starting
> bin/php-cs-fixer fix
	You are running php-cs-fixer with xdebug enabled. This has a major impact on runtime performance.
	Loaded config from "/var/www/swag/psh/.php_cs".

You can add more commands to be executed in a chain, by comma separating the script names:

> ./psh.phar unit,build #executes both scripts in order


PSH - PHP shell helper







No packages published


  • PHP 97.3%
  • Shell 2.7%